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Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has a happy, fun and safe new year's eve and day.  Jason and I are spending this New Year's Eve in the most wonderful place ever...home!  We are cooking dinner, wearing pj's and watching movies.  Perfection.  See you in 2011! 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Best Christmas Song Ever!

I get super stressed at Christmas time...I'm pretty much a stress ball 24/7 anyways, but Christmas brings it on even more...

This song makes it so much better!  Cracks me up everytime!!!

Pigs Must Be Flying Outside

Because it's December 15 and I'm 100% done with my Christmas shopping for all four of our families!!!  And the icing on the cake...I'm 95% done with the wrapping!  Keep in mind that I'm normally that person out with the crazies on Christmas Eve. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Movies

I'm not a huge fan of traditional Christmas movies.  They are just a little too cheesy for me.  Did I mention I cringe at most Christmas music (although I am going to give A Glee Christmas a chance).  I'm that girl.

I'm just going to put this out there (Jason and his family will strongly disagree), but I despise A Christmas Story...the one with the red rider BB gun, "you'll shoot your eye out kid" one.  Clearly I am the minority since there are always a few channels that play this movie over and over all season.  Terrible movie.  So creepy. 

With that said, I compiled my top 5 holiday movie list.  Do you agree?  I want to know your favorites! 

5.  Love Actually

Love Hugh Grant and Colin Firth.  Such a clever movie.  Only problem, one year I suggested that we watch this as a family on Christmas Eve.  Parents, grandma everyone was there.  I totally forgot about the nudity and pron couple.  Little uncomfortable.  Save this one for non-family time.

4.  Christmas Vacation

Hilarious!  I have too many favorite parts to list.  Well maybe the squirrel part!

3.  Elf

If you haven't seen this movie yet, stop reading this blog now and go rent it.  We have a new tradition in my family of watching Elf after we eat on Thanksgiving.  It's a great way to kickoff the Christmas season (and recover for round two of the food).

2.  Four Christmases

I think I love this movie so much because Jason and I can relate to it.  I get comfort in their craziness.  I haven't watched it yet this year and plan on doing that very soon to gear up! 

1.  The Family Stone

I could watch this movie over and over and over all day long which is why it's my #1.  It has so many good people in it, but more importantly a great story.  It makes me laugh and cry, but isn't the least bit cheesy. 

Happy Holiday Movie Watching!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Stockings Were Hung...

By the chimney window with care...

Jason and I are all decorated for Christmas.  Unfortunatley, we couild only use about a fourth of what we own this year in our new place.  I think I may have gone overboard last year for a first married Christmas with decorations.  We had 2 fireplaces then, so naturally we had 2 sets of stockings and holders.  Maybe I was overcompensating for the fact that I didn't love the house we were in last year.  Nonetheless, many of the decorations just don't work (we hate loathe clutter so back to storage they went! 

The only decoration that I was bummed to put up was our cute stocking hangers that I bought from Ballard Designs last year.  We don't have a mantle to hang them on.  We tried the entertainment center and bookshelf, but it looked terrible. 

 I remembered that Ballard Designs has a cute iron stocking floor hanger (below), but I just couldn't fathom paying $100 for a seasonal accessory.  Ballard also has a smaller version for $50, but it is sold out. 

So off to Hobby Lobby I went...I walked up and down every Christmas aisle, but nothing so off I went to the random iron pieces.  I found something that I thought would work (I had no idea what it was intended for, but who cares).  It was $19.99, but was on sale for $10! 

While I was checking out a lady standing in line asked me what it was I was holding to which I told her "I have no idea, but I'm buying it"

Come to find out, I think it's a fancy toilet paper holder, but at the Purifoy household it will be our new stocking holder.  yes, it looks a little cluttered wtih the 3 stockings, but we just can't leave out Tucker (our chihuahua)!

Happy December 1!  Can you believe it's already December?


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