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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pregnancy #2 Update :: 34 Weeks

How far along: 34 Weeks
Size of Coffee Bean:  19-22 inches, 4.9 pounds
Fruit/Vegetable Comparison: Pineapple
Gender:  BOY!
Showing:  Um yes!
Maternity Clothes:  Getting sick of wearing the same things over and over.  Looking forward to post-pregnancy, maternity leave attire of leggings and non-maternity tunics!
Sleep: Just okay - trying to appreciate it though even as uncomfortable as I sometimes am because I know very soon I'll be praying for just a few hours of it.  
Movement:  Lots! 
Food Cravings:  Comfort food like soups and cornbread

Anything Making You Sick/Queasy: Only when I panic about having TWO kids soon!
Weddings Rings On or Off: On - just the engagement ring

Mood:  All over the place honestly. Some moments I'm perfectly happy and content, feeling like I have a great handle on things.  Then others I'm stressing out with things I still "need" to get done before baby comes.  I'm treating this last month as if the world is going to end once the baby arrives and I won't be able to do anything.  It's great to prepare as much as you can, but I realize I'm being dramatic with all of my baby prep.  

Best Moment This Week:  Baby Sprinkle and learning that I lost 3 pounds at my last appointment...I had gained 4 pounds at my previous appointment and was majorly freaked out!  
Strange Experiences:  Just all of the strangers who feel it's okay to touch my belly.  Strangers - it's never okay.  
Looking Forward To:  Having our carseats professionally checked this week - yes I am actually looking forward to that and some cooler fall temps!

Read about my 34 week update from my first pregnancy!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Colin's Baby Sprinkle :: An Afternoon Tea

On Saturday my amazing girlfriends that I met years ago while volunteering in the Junior League Tea Room threw me and Colin a Baby Sprinkle.  It was an afternoon tea at Adrienne's home and just perfect!  My mom joined the fun too.  If you remember, they spoiled me when I was pregnant with Jack with a gorgeous shower at the Junior League Tea Room.

I'm one lucky girl to have such awesome friends.

We had the most delicious tea and food that included scones and jam, tea sandwiches, deviled eggs, petit fours, fruit tarts and macarons  #heaven

All of the decorations looked just like Colin's nursery with yellow, gray and gray/white chevron...they even incorporated yellow ducks into the tea, another nursery theme of mine!  Colin and I were showered with gifts and everyone wrote wishes for Colin just as they did for Jack several years ago.

What a special day with special people.  

Monday, September 28, 2015

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday!  I am telling my 8.5 month pregnant and tired self that it's going to be a wonderful week!  I did drive all the way to Jack's school this morning with my keys on top of my car, but they were there when we pulled in so good things...right? 

We had a great weekend, but I can't say I got much rest!  I even walked 11,825 steps yesterday which is a LOT for me these days.


I ran out of work a little early on Friday so I could get a car wash and run to the grocery store after finding out Jason's mom and sister would be staying with us for the weekend.  As much as someone tells me not to worry about getting anything for them, I was raised to always have a fully stocked kitchen when people are staying with you!  Jack and I met Jason's mom at the house and then met Jason for dinner.  Afterwards we let Jack run around the Town Square again which has become a regular thing these days.  


Saturday morning was crazy town at our house.  As soon as we finished up with breakfast, we had a slew of people stopping by for several home checks and repairs.  In between these visits we tried to hang stuff in the nursery and finish Colin's room.  By lunchtime I was spent!

Still a work in progress like paint touch-ups, but it's coming along!

Saturday afternoon I attended a Baby Sprinkle for me and Colin! My Juinor League friends out did themselves with the cutest and sweetest afternoon tea.  I'll post more about that tomorrow! 

Afterwards I came home and hung out with my boys, Jason's mom, and sister who joined us for the rest of the weekend.  They watched a scary movie and I had to bow out.  I'm a horror movie junkie, but these days I can't handle them...hormones, maybe?


The one thing Jason's mom wanted to do while in town was to visit a local nursery that she loves.  Even though it was rainy we made it there before the Texans game.  As usual, Jack had a great time running around outdoors and seeing all of the animals - fish, frogs, cats, dogs and chickens.  What more could a little boy ask for?

34 Weeks

We headed home for lunch and the Texans game.  I had tamales and tons of chips and dips for everyone to snack on.  Once I got Jack down for his nap, I ran out for a few errands before heading home and starting on dinner.

I was majorly craving some Sausage and Corn Chowder since it was a gloomy day (even though the temps did not warrant a soup craving).  It was delish if I do say so myself.  And the rest of the evening was spent preparing for the week!

Hope you have an easy Monday and a fabulous week!  

P.S.  Scarf Swappers :: Don't forget to start shopping for your scarf swap partner...shipping deadline is a week from tomorrow: Tuesday, October 6!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pregnancy #2 Update :: 31, 32, 33 Weeks

31 Weeks
33 Weeks

33 Weeks

How far along: 31, 32 and 33 Weeks
Size of Coffee Bean: 19 inches, 4.5 pounds (33 weeks)
Fruit/Vegetable Comparison: Honeydew Melon (33 weeks)
Gender:  BOY!
Showing: Just a little ;)
Maternity Clothes:  The maternity wardrobe is starting to dwindle as I get bigger and bigger, but I so don't want to spend anymore money on these clothes!  Just making it work with what I have - sorry if you see me in the same few things over and over from now until November!
Unglamorous Body Changes:  Nothing new
Sleep:  Not great - I wake up feeling just as tired as when I went to sleep.  I guess I'm just getting prepared for life with a newborn again!
Movement: Very hard kicks and moves
Food Cravings:  Nothing specific except cold things: popsicles, ice water, iced tea
Anything Making You Sick/Queasy:  The heartburn has really started up if I eat too much or too late in the evening.  I keep reminding myself to eat smaller meals otherwise I'm miserable!
Weddings Rings On or Off: Still on, but it's just my engagement ring, no bands.  Luckily my engagement ring is beautiful enough to stand alone!  Not sure how long even it's going to last though.
Mood:  Very anxious these day.  Just want to get "everything" done before something happens...bedrest,  early baby, etc.  Someone pointed out to me the other day that made me feel better that it will never "all get done."  That was encouraging to me to just get done what I can get done.  The rest will fall into place.

Best Moment This Week: Spending lots of time with my family of three and taking maternity pictures!
Strange Experiences:  Lots of people are wanting to rub the belly.  Not okay with me although lately I've just been smiling and taking it. 
Looking Forward To:  A little baby sprinkle this weekend with my sweet "Junior League" girls! 

Read about my 31, 32 and 33 week updates from my first pregnancy!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Chelsea Lately

Halfway through the week!  I've been busy this week with no time left in the evenings for my poor, neglected blog.  I'm sneaking a few quick minutes while at work today to check in with everyone!


I know I didn't do a weekend recap post - there wasn't too much to report on although we did have a great one.  Friday we were quiet at home.  Saturday we did some home chores as usual, a few errands, grocery store run and a super casual dinner out.  The highlight of my Saturday was a MUCH needed pedicure and quick stroll through Target - coffee in hand.  I seriously only needed diapers, but wanted to browse a bit so I did not allow myself to get a shopping cart.  Anyone else ever do this?  Best decision ever since Target has a TON of cute fall home decor stuff out now that may have ended up with me.  Love, but so don't need!

Sunday was a busy one with church, watching the Texans lose and the Houston Moms Blog 2nd Birthday Bash at The Zone Houston.  We ended the busy day with a walk around a local duck pond with Jack and dinner at Beck's.  This was by far, my favorite part of the weekend.  Phew - guess I just did an unintentional weekend recap for ya after all!

This pretty much sums up Jack's fun at the Birthday Bash...bandaid on his arm from the Teddy Bear Clinic, slap bracelet on his leg, balloon sword in his eye!

...and lots of sugar!

**Pregnancy Update**

Last week at my doctor's appointment {33 weeks} I sort of left in panic mode.  I gained more weight than I would have liked and my doctor sort of freaked me out about time.  We are set for a c-section on October 30 and in my mind - at least last week - this is still a ways away.  That is until he was asking me if I had all my bags packed and the carseat installed to which my answer was no.  I don't like feeling unprepared - I'm usually one to complete things WAY before they need to be done.

After my appointment I drove straight to work where I furiously jumped on my Maternity Leave checklist.  I then used my lunch break to make lists of what was needed in my hospital bag, Colin's bag and even started ordering things for Jack's "Big Brother" gift.  To say I've been a bit manic the last few days is an understatement.

I'm happy to report though that Colin's bag is 100% packed, Jack's Big Brother Gift is done and my hospital bag is pretty much done!  I still need to get that carseat installed, but it's all washed and ready to go.  I just want to get a car wash this week before adding it.

**Maternity Pictures**

Last week we took maternity pictures at Discovery Green Park in downtown Houston with Mommas Gonna Snap Photography.  I've worked with Amanda before and love that she is so sweet, kind, laid back and easy going.  I never feel stressed or self-conscious when doing pictures with her.  She is a momma to two of the most precious kiddos so she gets how working with a toddler can be.  Plus Jack loves her.  I have no doubt that she got some great shots out of last week!

I had my crew dressed as much for "fall-ish" pictures as we could possibly stand.  The Houston weather was 100% humid and muggy.  We were so sweaty and gross after those 20-30 minutes of pictures that I couldn't stand myself and we just had to laugh.  After the pics we walked to Phoenicia for dinner and then right across the street to Jason's new office.  Jack was out a bit late (heck so was I) but it was worth it!  Jason's new office is so cool - he works promoting the city of Houston so the artwork and posters in the building are entire floor of it is dedicated to Superbowl 2017 which will be in Htown!


Jack is still doing great at preschool two days a week!  He screams "yay" every time we pull into the preschool parking lot and never cries at drop-off.  His teachers tell us he is very well-behaved and a joy to be around.  Last week the local fire department dropped by for a chat about safety and let the kids tour the truck.  I couldn't attend due to work, but my mom made an appearance to take pictures.  So thankful to have her as my proxy when I'm unavailable.

**Blog Post about Working Moms**

Oh boy, this had been a major thing going on in my life the past week.  Last week I posted on Houston Moms Blog about "Little Digs to Working Moms that Cut Deep."  The intended purpose of the post was to share my heart on little {unintentional} statements that can be hurtful to a working mom, or at least me.  It was supposed to just create a small awareness of how little things we ALL say can affect others, but to some it seemed to stir a greater debate...once again about the mommy wars: working moms vs. stay at home moms.  And don't get me started on the debate I caused about the word "blessed." 

I'm honestly a little tired of defending my statements so for now, I'll just let the post speak for itself.  I love, love, love that it created a conversation on various forms on social media and in the comments section of the post, but a few comments "cut a little deep" to this 8 months pregnant/hormonal lady.  I think the worst was the person who judged me for not choosing to make sacrifices in order to stay home and take care of Jack.  She read my bio that states I "work full-time in order to keep up with my Starbucks and online shopping habit."  It's called a joke people.  I wish I could just cut out Starbucks and be able to quit my job!  So much for attempting a little humor.

All I can say is that being a mom is hard - whether you work full-time, part-time, at home, stay at home, have one, two, three, seven, married, single, gay or straight, black, white, blue or purple.  It's freaking hard.  Let's all do our best and learn from everyone's different situation and support each other.  Rant over.  Mic dropped. 

Hope you have the best week ever - whose loving some new fall TV?!?!

P.S.  If you are participating in the Fall Scarf Swap, you should have made contact with your partner by now.  If you haven't heard back from them or are having any trouble or questions, just let me know!  ...and to my partner - I emailed you yesterday!

Next deadline is to have your scarf shipped off by October 6!

Friday, September 18, 2015

2015 Fall Scarf Swap :: Partners Revealed

 {Starting Top Left Going Clockwise : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10}

Happy Friday!  Below are all of the scarf swap partners this year.  I'm excited to get to know my partner and start shopping for her!

You can refer to the comments section of the original Scarf Swap Post to get all of the other contact info for your partner!  I just matched everyone up in order of signup and included their links to blogs (if applicable) and Instagram handles below.


Lisa @lfcovington ---- Heather C. @heather_coco
Adrienne @adriennebash ---- Katie P.
Staci @fiabella ---- Meagan @meaganclanahan
Mandy @ameliasletters ---- Katie C. @ktcupoftea
Casey @clfaggie01 ---- Ashley @everythingshunkydorey
Sarah ---- Megan @mwarren814
Misty @mmorris123 ---- Chelsea @ChelseaPurifoy
Heather @heather_mcdaniel ---- Allison @swishproductions
Kersandra @ouradventurestory ---- Ashlee M. @ouashlee


Make contact with your partner within the next few days.  You can get to know each other via email, blogs, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook...whatever works best for you!  You could even create a Pinterest board with scarves you love to help your partner out with your style!  If you haven't heard from your partner by this Tuesday, shoot me an email and I will get you matched with someone else.  perfectcatchblog {at} gmail {dot} com

If you are in need of some inspiration for your partner, there are links at the top of the post to some cute scarves I found while browsing.  There are TONS of great options out there and lots of great sales too!  Remember the MAX you should spend is $35.

If you are out and see a cute scarf or good sale, let us know on Instagram using #2015fallscarfswap


Step 1:  Leave a comment below with your name, email, blog link (if applicable) and any other social media handles you would like to share for your partner to get to know you with by Wednesday, 9/16 (one week from today). 
Step 2:  Partners will be posted on this blog on Friday, 9/18
Step 3:  Reach out to your partner via email and follow their blog and social media accounts to get to know each other and get an idea for what type of scarf they might like or opt to totally surprise each other!  You have a little over two weeks to shop for a scarf and send it their way.  If you don't hear from your partner by Tuesday, 9/22, please let me know via email so we can match you with someone else...I promise no one will be left behind!  perfectcatchblog {at} gmail {dot} com
Step 4:  Get the scarf in the mail to your partner by Tuesday, October 6
Step 5:  Come back here to The Perfect Catch Blog on Thursday, 10/15 and link-up to reveal your new scarf and see what everyone else received...this is my favorite part!  Also join us on Instagram using #2015fallscarfswap.  This part is optional, but oh so fun!

Happy swapping! 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Weekend Recap

Hope you had a great weekend!  We are loving the nice weather we've been having in Houston.  It actually felt like fall was close.  I don't think I put any makeup on all weekend which explains my lack of picture taking...


After I got home from work on Friday, I scooped Jack up and we headed out to run some errands and kill time before Jason was home from work.  Our house is a bit of a disaster until Tuesday when we are having a few repairs done so I was happy to get out.  Jack and I picked up Colin's custom baby bedding that was finally in and then stopped at a local park that has tons of ducks and turtles.  Jack was in heaven.

We met Jason for dinner at Escalantes...this mama was craving their enchiladas, but then immediately regretted that decision after heartburn set in.  Hello month 8 of pregnancy! 

After dinner we walked through our local downtown area and ended up at "the square" to let Jack run around the fountains that he loves and listen to the live music.  He just loved it and we even ran into some friends.  It was so worth letting Jack stay up way past his bedtime.  


We were lazy bums Saturday morning just taking our time with breakfast and getting dressed.  We finally headed out the door around 11 and headed to our typical Saturday stop these days : Lowe's for a few things Jason needed to complete my "honey-do" list for him.  Jack had the best time because all of the Halloween inflatables were displayed in the store including a massive haunted house that he could run in. 

...And yes, we ended up taking an inflatable home.  My husband is the biggest kid when it comes to Halloween.  I pointed out that we won't even be home on Halloween this year and immediately after Halloween will be coming home with a NEWBORN.  My wants of keeping the Halloween decor to a minimum this year were quickly brushed off and he promised he would take it all down himself even while we are in the throws of adjusting to being a family of 4.  Let's all remember this conversation as I have to beg him to take down the Halloween mid November. 

We did a quick lunch at Chick-fil-a, knocked out the grocery store and headed home for naps.  

Saturday night Jason made us delicious steaks and green beans and we were in bed early!  Crazy kids I tell you...


What a lazy, yet productive Sunday we had!  The weather was gorgeous and after sleeping in until 8am - thank you Jack - we headed outside to do some garage clean-out and other outdoor chores.  Mostly Jason did the chores while I wrangled little man.

By noon we were finished so we could settle in and watch the Texans game.  Too bad it ended in a loss.  Jack looked precious in his new JJ Watt jersey and I'm kicking myself for not snapping a pic!

The boys napped and I was productive (but still made time to put my feet up) and we had a lazy afternoon at home making burger sliders for dinner! 

Oh and Halloween Pajama Season in the Purifoy household has officially begun...

Pajamas from Gap


-  If you want to participate in the Fall Scarf Swap, don't forget to leave a comment HERE by this Wednesday, 9/16!

-  Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a $25 Gift Card to Pink Blush Boutique! 

Have a great week!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Five on Friday :: Scarf Swap, Giveaway, Fall TV & The Perfect Plaid

TGIF!  I hope you had a great week.  We do not have any exciting plans this weekend except some house stuff and watching the Texans on Sunday.  Anyone else feeling sad that this weekend is only two days?

Before I dive into my five things on Friday, I wanted to mention a fairly new Friday linkup that I love participating in called High Five for Friday {H54F} hosted by Bright on a Budget, Cup of Tea, Coffee with Caitlin and Della Devoted.  And guess what...I'm the featured blogger today!  Definitely checkout this linkup if you are a blogger or just want to find some new fave bloggers to follow!


Don't forget to signup for the Fall Scarf Swap I'm hosting again this year!  Deadline to signup is this Wednesday, 9/15! 


And while you are hopping around the blog, don't forget to enter my $25 Gift Card to Pink Blush Maternity or Pink Blush Boutique Giveaway!


Just missing a few ovens...
It's kind of been a doozy of a week at home.  We ordered new kitchen appliances this weekend, waited for hours for them to be delivered on Wednesday only to have 2 of the 3 not working when they were delivered...after 3 hours of installation!

I know, I know...first world problems, but things seem a million times worse when you are tired and pregnant and just want order at home.  I currently don't have a working oven...grrr!  Actually, let's be honest, my ovens don't get used that much, but whenever you don't have something, you feel like you need it for everything


Forget the start of football season...anyone else excited for Ladies of London to be back?  Set your DVR's for Monday nights to catch all the drama!

What other shows are you excited to return?  I'm looking forward to How to Get Away With Murder and sad to admit...The People's Couch.  Yes, the show where you watch people, watching TV.  Jason and I freaking love that show!  Not sure what it says about us, but it's a hoot. 


Next time you are at Target, do yourself a favor and buy this shirt!  It's super soft and has a nice length and isn't too thin.  Plus the cuffs are just the cutest!  I just know I'll be living in it this winter.  It doesn't fit me now with my 8 month pregnant belly, but I just guessed my post-baby size.  Nursing friendly and cozy?  Done and done!

Have a fabulous weekend filled with PSL's and Target trips!  


Linking up:


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Maternity Style :: Dressing for the Last Trimester & Giveaway!

Nothing is trickier than dressing during those last few months of pregnancy.  But no matter how big you get, life still goes on.  For me that means, I'm still working full-time, running around with my toddler and even have a few special events to attend like maternity photos, lunch with the girls and dinners out.  It's hard to find maternity clothes that fit right when you are 8 and 9 months pregnant, especially trendy maternity clothes that still fit your personal style!

Just a few weeks ago, I was dreading having to go to dinner with my husband and his coworkers because I just didn't feel pretty or like myself.  As vain as it sounds, sometimes finding the right clothing - something new that actually fits - can lift your spirits and give you that boost you need!

After a failed Stitch Fix Maternity box, I finally got that boost I needed from Pink Blush Maternity!  I'm kicking myself for not trying this online maternity boutique earlier in my pregnancy, but doing a happy dance that at least I found them now!  I'm confident that I can now happily make it through both this last trimester looking good, but also those awkward first few post-partum months when you have tons of people visiting and want to look nice, but you also need to be functional with nursing-friendly pieces that are forgiving too!

I recently tried three maternity clothing pieces from Pink Blush that I'm now so in love with.  They carry everything from maternity dresses to tops, tunics, cardigans, basics and even nursing friendly pieces - all at an affordable price.  Who knows if this will be my last pregnancy, so one of my goals when buying clothing right now is that I can wear it after pregnancy too!  All three pieces work great now and will look great after baby Colin arrives....bam!  Double score!

 Navy & Cream Cross-Hatch Maternity Top, $28 {also comes in black}

This is my favorite piece since it's so versatile.  I can dress it up for work and dinner and dress it down with shorts or jeans for hanging out at home.  It's super comfy and will 100% work after baby arrives.  The busy print is very forgiving too.  Love, love, love and you can't beat the price.  

This outfit is Jason's favorite.  Cardigans are great to buy during the last trimester because they give you the coverage you want, but don't scream maternity and can be worn for months afterwards!  I also love the fall vibe of the rust color.

Black Maternity/Nursing Maxi Dress, $49 {also comes in blue}

I've been on the lookout for nursing friendly dresses lately since I will be having a c-section.  Dresses are much more comfortable those first few weeks so you don't have to worry about rubbing your incision.  This maternity maxi dress is perfect!  I was a little worried about the quality of this dress when I ordered it, but was pleasantly surprised.  It's light, comfortable, but also has great lining so you feel supported and covered!  And the length is hemming required for this shorty!  For fall, it's looks great with a cardigan or denim vest or jacket added to it. 

If you are interested in any of these pieces, for size references, I'm currently a 10/12 in maternity clothes and purchased a Large in all of the above pieces.  I would say everything was true to size.  

Clothes are also available in Plus Size Maternity too AND regular sizing!  

 :: Giveaway Time ::

Now bonus for you...Pink Blush is giving away one $25 Gift Certificate to a Perfect Catch Blog reader!  Enter below to win.  The winner will be announced next week.  And double do not have to be pregnant to enter and use this $25 credit!  Pink Blush also has a non-maternity online boutique

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer :: Clothing from Pink Blush Maternity featured in this post was given to me by Pink Blush Maternity in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions and statements above are my very own and I will 100% be purchasing from Pink Blush in the future.  

 I'm linking up today with Annie and Natalie today for Thoughts for Thursday. 

Thoughts for Thursday


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