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Sunday, June 23, 2013

One Month Favorites

We have survived Jack's first month and are getting close to hitting the two month milestone!  I wanted to share our favorite baby items...the things that we would not have been able to survive without the past 7 weeks...both Jack, me and Jason! 

When I was pregnant these blog posts from others were very helpful to me in navigating the confusing world of baby products.  By writing this, I hope to help someone else out too. 

Please don't hesitate to email me if you have any specific questions. 
One Month Favorites

Nap Nanny - This Godsend was unfortunately recalled so good luck getting your hands on one.  If you can, grab it up!  This is Jack's favorite thing to sleep in...hence, the name.  Why was it recalled?  In my opinion, stupid people who left their baby unattended in it.  Otherwise, it's perfectly safe. 

Soothies Pacifiers - We introduced Jack to a pacifier at about a week.  The only reason we didn't sooner was because of fear that it would mess him up during breastfeeding, but it didn't.  Just like the name it really did soothe him (and me) and has since saved us a TON of crying fits. 

Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Seat and Caddy Stroller Frame - My mom and Ashley can confirm that I stressed myself out when it came to choosing an infant seat.  I did hours upon hours of online research, visited baby stores too many times, read countless reviews and talked to all of my friends.  Luckily all of that research paid off and we could not be happier with the Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Seat.  We also opted for the Chicco Caddy Stroller Frame.  I love it because it's lightweight, so easy to pull out of bases and the stroller.  It really is idiot proof.  I also love the way it looks...we chose a black, white and gray version (Graphica) which is a little hard to find, but worth it if you can! 

Puj Tub - Love this!  Jack loves it too.  It seems so soft and comfortable for him.  I also love that you can hang it flat when you're done with bath time.  We've been bathing him in our bathroom sink in the master and it's been so convenient. 

Ubbi Diaper Pail - I also researched diaper pails to death...the Ubbi, Diaper Genie, etc.  I'm super happy with the Ubbi.  I love the gray color we chose and that it takes any trash bag...I opt for the Febreeze scented ones.  It's so easy to remove bags and there is no smell at all.   

Swaddle Blankets - Jack loves to be swaddled.  He sleeps better when he is so we can't live without the Aden & Anais and Swaddle Designs blankets.  We also use them in the stroller, car...everywhere.  The lightweight, airy fabric is perfect for Houston. 

Boppy Pillow - I have used this everyday, every 3 hours since Jack was born so I clearly love it.  It makes nursing so much easier.  I also love the Boppy covers from Pottery Barn Kids.  They are extra soft and thick...a ittle pricer than the ones you find in Target or other baby stores, but worth it. 

Amazon Prime Membership - If you are pregnant or have a baby, get an Amazon Prime Membership.  It pays for itself after just a few orders with it's free 2-day shipping.  It's also nice to be able to get whatever you may need in 2 days without leaving the house!  Such a lifesaver those first couple of weeks. 

Fisher Price My Little Snugabunny Bouncer - After the Nap Nanny, this is the Jack's second favorite thing to take naps in.  Without this bouncer, I wouldn't be able to shower and do my hair and makeup each day.  It also keeps Jack entertained so we can eat meals in peace!  Even when not sleeping, he is content in this just looking around the room or staring at the birds. 

Turtle Bath Sponge - Super cheap at Babies R Us.  Our doctor has recommended that we don't use wipes when changing Jack's diaper, but a wet washcloth SO we had to move his cute changing station into the bathroom where the long changing table pad takes up too much counter space.  This little turtle is the perfect size for his changings now...we just put a towel over it for a little cover. 

Baby Ktan - Jack loves to be carried around in this.  There are lots of similar products out there for this, but I like the Baby Ktan because it is so easy to put on and comes in different sizes.  Luckily, the same size fit both me and Jason. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Hello World...Hello 6 Weeks!

I strictly adhered to not taking Jack out in public for 6 weeks.  I've known too many people who took their baby out in public too soon, not wanting the fact that they had a baby to affect their lives, only to end up at the doctor and even the hospital. 

So we hunkered down and stayed at home.  Jack literally only left the house the past 6 weeks for his pediatrician's office and for walks in our neighborhood.  I will admit that at times I went a little stir crazy, but luckily I love my home and knew I was doing what was best for Jack.  I'm in no way saying this is best for everyone...just best for us at this time. 

I also didn't have much confidence in myself taking him out alone so these 6 weeks were needed to really get to know Jack and how to calm him down when needed. 

Jack was officially 6 weeks on Friday so this weekend we took him out a few times.  We had lots of firsts to say the least. 

First trip to the grocery store - Saturday with Jason.  Jack slept the entire time in the Baby K'Tan.  Jason got lots of comments from people! 

First church service - Sunday.  I was so nervous that he would have a meltdown in the middle of service, but he was such a good baby.  I held him the entire time and he slept great. 

First restaurant outing - Sunday after church we went to Gringos for Mexican food (mostly because it would be fast) to celebrate Father's Day.  Jack was a little fussy, but we fed him while we ate and it all worked out. 

Lots of smiles - Jack started giving us TONS of smiles this weekend.  And they were intentional smiles.  Either when we walked in the room or when I made silly sounds.

First Father's Day - We had a great day celebrating Jason's first Father's Day!  Jack loves his daddy. 

Back to the Gym - Another milestone, but this one is for me...I returned to the gym at 6 weeks postpartum.  Gotta get that body back!

Other pictures from the weekend:
Aunt Nicole and Uncle Geoffrey stopped by to see Jack on Saturday.  They brought him lots of pirate outfits since Geoffrey has dubbed him "Captain Jack Sparrow."  Jack had all sorts of great hand gestures during their visit. 

Mimi got some cuddle time in

Mommy and Jack!

We had a photo shoot on his Elephant Play Mat that Aunt Shannon gave him.  He loves it!

Tucker watching over sleeping Jack.

Jack is now over 25 inches long and longer than his inchworm toy.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Jack's Newborn Pictures

The fabulous Studio Ainsley took Jack's newborn pictures when he was 5 days old.  Studio Ainsley also took our maternity pictures so we already felt comfortable working with them.  Maca, the photographer came to our house for the newborn session and Jack was a champ!  Oddly enough he was awake during most of the shoot so we didn't get as many "sleeping baby" images as most people get doing a newborn session.
That's just Jack!  He was the exact same way when he was born.  Wide awake and full of energy!  That explains all of the kicking I felt while he was in my belly.



Sunday, June 9, 2013

Jack: One Month!


(Yes, I'm using 2 sets of stickers...both were gifts and I love them and can't decide!)

Milestones this month:
  • You are growing out of your newborn clothes already!  It's sad, but makes me feel good that you are growing. 
  • You sleep for 3-4 hour stretches at night!  I usually have to wake you up around 3am to feed you!   You give me the most precious faces around that time when I wake you up and change you.  Like, "mom, it's the middle of the night for crying out loud!!!!"
  • You take a bottle great and then easily switch back to breastfeeding.  I was so worried about that. 
  • You can lift your head up and turn it to the side when doing tummy time.  You have also rolled over on your own several times.  Not sure if this was just an accident, but we'll take it!
  • You are starting to recognize voices and faces

Things you like this month:
  • You like just about all of the contraptions we have for you: Mamaroo, Nap Nanny, Leachco Podster and Bouncer, but your favorite is the Nap Nanny.  This is where you take the majority of your naps during the day.  Go figure, the product that was recalled and I barely got my hands on, is your favorite.  I feel sorry for all the moms who don't have one!  Thank you Lauryn and Stephie who told me how great these are!!!
  • Walks and car rides (they both just make you fall asleep)
  • Being held and snuggling
  • Falling asleep on my chest
  • Being swaddled.  You won't fall asleep at night (the good deep sleep) until we swaddle you up.
  • Being carried in your Baby K'tan
  • Eating and sleeping!!!  You are a great eater and sleeper.  I don't want to jinx anything by saying this, but you are a relatively easy baby so far.  Knock on wood!!!
  • Bath time.  Once we switched you to a tub bath using a Puj tub, you LOVE baths.  You also fall right to sleep after we lotion you and wrap you up after baths which we do every other day right now.  Sometimes at night and sometimes during the day. 
  • Being outside.  It's already too hot to be outside during the day, but we like to sit outside in the evening when it's cooled off a bit.
  • Music.  It calms you down when we put music on near you or sing to you
  • Pacifiers...soothies to be exact.  Why did we wait until you were almost a week old to introduce this to you?

Things you don't like this month:
  • Sleeping in your bassinet; you would rather be closer to us or cuddle.  We had to start using a "By Your Side" Sleeper in the bed so we can get some sleep at night. 
  • Being naked
  • Being hungry.  Boy you let us know when you are hungry!  You even have a special three sounds you make before you full on cry.  Dad calls it your early warning system. 
  • Sponge baths, except for the hair washing part.  So happy when your cord stump fell off so we could switch to tub baths!
  • Tummy time.  You cry and cry during tummy time except the very first time we did this with you.  Still, you seem to have strong neck muscles and will lift and turn your head already. 
  • Getting strapped into your infant seat.  That always brings on the tears, but once you are in and get settled, you are pretty content.  I still need more practice with this as we haven't taken you out much except for walks, your doctor visit and a couple of car rides.  I'm being a paranoid mom and keeping you out of public places for the first 6 weeks. 
  • Liquid vitamins that your pediatrician prescribed.  Typical kid!  The doctor did warn that it tasted would think they could work on that!

Special memories this month:
  • All of our visitors this month to the house to meet you
  • The first visit to Mimi's house for Mauri and Uncle Jack's birthday celebration.  This was the first time for the Novosad family to meet you including your great-grandparents
  • Your first tub bath given to you by me and dad
  • The first time you peed on me and your dad!  Gotta watch out for those boys!
  • How great you were at your first pediatrician visit at 2 weeks.  You didn't even cry when they pricked your heel.  The nurse said that was a first for her. 
  • Watching you smile when you sleep
  • Falling asleep in our arms after you eat and all of the naps we have already taken together

Dear Jack,

I can't put into words how much I love you.  From the moment they pulled you out of me I've been crazy in love with you.  I can stare at you for hours and find myself doing just that all the time.  It breaks my heart when you cry and you melt my heart when you smile.  Each week this month you have grown more alert and I just love watching you develop and change.  I can't wait to see more of your personality come out.  You are the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.  I love all of your hair and your wide, bright eyes.  I think we are a great pair already, developing more of a steady routine each day. 

You are such a lucky boy with so many people who love you including me, your dad and pup, Tucker.  Your grandparents are all so in love with you too.  Your dad and I are thankful everyday for you and love you more than anything.  We survived the first month without any major mishaps...only one frantic middle of the night phone call to the pediatrician and one frantic doctor visit!  That has to be good for first time parents.  We can't wait to see what the next month brings!  Welcome to the world sweet baby boy!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Week in Review

Another week has come and gone.  I can't believe Jack is 5 weeks old today!  Maternity leave is flying by and I know just as soon as I blink it will be time to go back to work full-time.  I'm trying to cherish every minute I have during this special time. 

This week Jack has been smiling a lot more.  He smiles when we talk to him in a super high-pitched voice...this also makes Tucker go crazy!  He smiled a lot for Mimi (my mom) this week.  Here are my attempts at capturing a smile on camera!

He continues to love his evening walks and he gets so excited when Dad gets home.  We also started reading to him every night before bedtime. 

Jack is definitely putting on weight.  Our scale at home is horrible and I can't seem to get an accurate read, but I know he has put on weight just due to the fact that he is heavier.  His face looks like it has filled out more too.  I estimate he has put on at least 2 pounds since we last weighed him "officially" 3 weeks ago at the doctor's office. 

He also started wearing 3 month clothing this week.  Most of his newborn clothes are getting too small.  His 0-3 month stuff fits perfectly and some 3 month even fits! 

In other news this week, my step-sister Jessica had a healthy baby boy named Brody Dean!  Mom and baby are both doing great.  I can't wait to meet him! are next!

My dad celebrated a birthday yesterday and I'm really looking forward to celebrating it this weekend at our house. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013


There isn't too much going on in our household these days besides everything baby.  Jack had his first "outing" at my mom's house this past week for a birthday lunch with family.  It was great for the family to meet him (and it was great for me to get out of the house for a bit). 

Four Generations

Jason and I celebrated our four year wedding home of course!  He brought me flowers, champagne and cupcakes! 

At just three weeks postpartum I got called into work on two separate days for meetings.  It wasn't too bad leaving him knowing I would be back in several hours.  This is probably great practice to ease me back into work full-time in July. 

Jason's mom came to visit this week also.  She got lots of good quality time in with me and Jack. 

Tucker had his annual teeth cleaning this week too and had to have 4 teeth pulled...keep in mind he has already lost about 5 teeth in past years.  Poor guy will be toothless soon!  He is a trooper and is trucking along.

We are on baby watch this week for my step-sister Jessica and my BFF Ashley!  Both are due the first part of June, but seem to be ready to go at any moment.  So exciting!!!

And finally, here are some photos of Jack lately!

Memorial Day 2013

Bath time

Dressed in his formal wear in honor of Sara's Wedding Weekend

Jack in his whale outfit from Laura

Our cute "Sassy Stork' from my mom

Loving the Baby Ktan

First tummy time!

Visit from Lauryn & Rob
Sleeping in his Mamaroo, which he loves

Hanging out in his bouncer

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