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Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has a happy, fun and safe new year's eve and day.  Jason and I are spending this New Year's Eve in the most wonderful place ever...home!  We are cooking dinner, wearing pj's and watching movies.  Perfection.  See you in 2011! 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Best Christmas Song Ever!

I get super stressed at Christmas time...I'm pretty much a stress ball 24/7 anyways, but Christmas brings it on even more...

This song makes it so much better!  Cracks me up everytime!!!

Pigs Must Be Flying Outside

Because it's December 15 and I'm 100% done with my Christmas shopping for all four of our families!!!  And the icing on the cake...I'm 95% done with the wrapping!  Keep in mind that I'm normally that person out with the crazies on Christmas Eve. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Movies

I'm not a huge fan of traditional Christmas movies.  They are just a little too cheesy for me.  Did I mention I cringe at most Christmas music (although I am going to give A Glee Christmas a chance).  I'm that girl.

I'm just going to put this out there (Jason and his family will strongly disagree), but I despise A Christmas Story...the one with the red rider BB gun, "you'll shoot your eye out kid" one.  Clearly I am the minority since there are always a few channels that play this movie over and over all season.  Terrible movie.  So creepy. 

With that said, I compiled my top 5 holiday movie list.  Do you agree?  I want to know your favorites! 

5.  Love Actually

Love Hugh Grant and Colin Firth.  Such a clever movie.  Only problem, one year I suggested that we watch this as a family on Christmas Eve.  Parents, grandma everyone was there.  I totally forgot about the nudity and pron couple.  Little uncomfortable.  Save this one for non-family time.

4.  Christmas Vacation

Hilarious!  I have too many favorite parts to list.  Well maybe the squirrel part!

3.  Elf

If you haven't seen this movie yet, stop reading this blog now and go rent it.  We have a new tradition in my family of watching Elf after we eat on Thanksgiving.  It's a great way to kickoff the Christmas season (and recover for round two of the food).

2.  Four Christmases

I think I love this movie so much because Jason and I can relate to it.  I get comfort in their craziness.  I haven't watched it yet this year and plan on doing that very soon to gear up! 

1.  The Family Stone

I could watch this movie over and over and over all day long which is why it's my #1.  It has so many good people in it, but more importantly a great story.  It makes me laugh and cry, but isn't the least bit cheesy. 

Happy Holiday Movie Watching!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Stockings Were Hung...

By the chimney window with care...

Jason and I are all decorated for Christmas.  Unfortunatley, we couild only use about a fourth of what we own this year in our new place.  I think I may have gone overboard last year for a first married Christmas with decorations.  We had 2 fireplaces then, so naturally we had 2 sets of stockings and holders.  Maybe I was overcompensating for the fact that I didn't love the house we were in last year.  Nonetheless, many of the decorations just don't work (we hate loathe clutter so back to storage they went! 

The only decoration that I was bummed to put up was our cute stocking hangers that I bought from Ballard Designs last year.  We don't have a mantle to hang them on.  We tried the entertainment center and bookshelf, but it looked terrible. 

 I remembered that Ballard Designs has a cute iron stocking floor hanger (below), but I just couldn't fathom paying $100 for a seasonal accessory.  Ballard also has a smaller version for $50, but it is sold out. 

So off to Hobby Lobby I went...I walked up and down every Christmas aisle, but nothing so off I went to the random iron pieces.  I found something that I thought would work (I had no idea what it was intended for, but who cares).  It was $19.99, but was on sale for $10! 

While I was checking out a lady standing in line asked me what it was I was holding to which I told her "I have no idea, but I'm buying it"

Come to find out, I think it's a fancy toilet paper holder, but at the Purifoy household it will be our new stocking holder.  yes, it looks a little cluttered wtih the 3 stockings, but we just can't leave out Tucker (our chihuahua)!

Happy December 1!  Can you believe it's already December?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Great Gift Idea

One of my blog/website loves, Twigs & Honey just launched a new online store on Etsy called Twigs etc.  Currently the store is featuring a fun feather charm necklace in several colors, $25.00 (see below), but plans to add more to the store soon. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Favorite Commercial

I love the new Tommy Hilfiger TV commercials, "Feast Interruptus."  Probably because it features one of my favorite songs by fave band Vampire Weekend. 

(of course I like the dog ending one the best)

30 Second: Dog Ending

60 Second: Chloe Ending

Friday, November 19, 2010

Today Show Goes Viral

This week the Today Show featured their own versions of videos that have "gone viral" online.  Today was my favorite!  The video featured the entire staff of the Today show singing a Black-Eyed Pea song.  Super simple, but great.  This made me smile so big and laugh and get teary eyed by how happy it was all at the same time.  I loved it...especially a cameo by Jenna Bush, Kathy Lee Gifford wtih her usual glass of wine, and serious Brian Williams attempting to dance.  Did anyone else catch it?  I tried to tell Jason about it's greatness over dinner tonight and he looked at me like I was a crazy person.  You've just got to watch it! 

P.S.  They did this in one take! 

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Won!

I won the Tacky Halloween Inflatable Contest on one of my favorite blogs, Make Mine a Mojito!  Thanks to everyone who voted! 

For contest lovers like me, get ready for her crazy Christmas Decoration contest coming in December. 

Hope you are surviving your Monday.  I have Junior League Tea Room training tonight and my first JL special event tomorrow...wish me luck!

Friday, November 12, 2010

This Weekend

Tonight I talked Jason into straying from our normal horror flick to a chick flick.  I love Rachel McAdams and hope this movie is cute.  I'm excited!

Saturday we are having brunch with Laura and Craig!  They are in town from Dallas for a wedding.  We haven't seen them since their wedding last March and now they are expecting so we have lots to talk about!  I am so excited to see them. 

After that, I plan on reading this (I haven't started reading it yet because I forced myself to finish Defensive Driving before I started it)...

And hopefully stopping by Houston's Annual Nutcracker Market at some point...

Have a great weekend! 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sugar Plum Market

I'm helping out my BFF Ashley and her mom Elaine this weekend at the annual Sugar Plum Market in the Fort Bend area.  Ash and Elaine have a great company that I've mentioned before called Ribbons & Rick Rack.  I'm sure we are going to have a blast, but hopefully we'll make some $$ too.  Wish us luck and stop by if you are in the area!   

Thursday, November 4, 2010

For Cupcake Lovers

Awesome wedding cake!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Weight Loss Game

Since I started with Weight Watchers I've lost a total of 12 pounds.  The past few weeks I've hit a major plateau so I need to eat even better and work out even harder...uggh!  I still have about 13 to go to hit my goal. 
One thing that has made my weight loss journey a bit more fun is a game that Jason and I made up.  I jokingly proposed it to Jason one day and he agreed! 

So here's the game:  I weigh myself every single morning and write it on a "score sheet" that we have posted on our bathroom mirror so it's the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to bed...literally the last thing I see because this is where I take out/put in my contacts everyday and I can't see anything without them.

In one week if I lose 1 pound Jason gets me a $15 gift card to anywhere I want.  If I lose 2 pounds I get a $25 gift card.  (Originally, he was asked if he could just give me cash, but I said no because then I will use it for groceries or boring stuff.  A gift card forces it to be a reward).  We capped it at 2 pounds a week because any more than that is far I haven't had to worry about that.  There is NO rounding in this game.  Do you know how many times I've lost 0.8 or or 1.8 in a week? 

We also just had to put another rule on the game.  We have to use the lowest number that I've reached within the game.  Otherwise I just keep yo-yo'ing" and J will be buying me gift cards for the rest of my life.  Example: I gained a little bit after a wedding weekend we attended, but then technically lost 2 pounds the week after....which really just got me to where I was the previous week.  I still lost it, but Jason didn't see it that way!

Some weeks I don't lose any and my weight literally yo-yos everyday (THIS WEEK).  Other weeks have been great.  So far I've racked up 1 Old Navy and 2 Anthropologie gift cards!  Not only is it motivating to win gift cards, but shopping is much better when you actually like the way you look.  It's also a fun way to get Jason involved in my weight loss journey.  He gets excited in the morning to see if I lost or pumps me up if I've gained.  Plus, I love telling Jason that I have to go shopping because my pants are falling off me.   

Since I've reached a plateau recently, does anyone have any tips for me? 
Have you incorporated any type of reward system into your weight loss program? 
Please share! 

My Celebrity Look-a-Likes

Jason's Celebrity Look-a-likes:

Some of those are a stretch, but it's a fun website!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11-2-10 is finally here!

I have been waiting for today to come for months!  Why, you ask...

Because the final book of Nora Roberts' Wedding Quartet is out today!!!

The premise behind this series is pretty simple.  Meet four childhood friends who were so in love with weddings growing up that they started a wedding company together called Vows.  One friend is the photographer (Book #1: Vision in White), one is a florist (Book #2: Bed of Roses ) , one a baker (Book #3: Savor the Moment), and finally there is the wedding coordinator...

Book #4: Happy Ever After

If you like weddings or just a good classic love story you should check this series out.  I'm not the only one in love with these, Ashley and my sister-in-law Jeanna are hooked too!  So predictable, so cheesy, but I love this little guilty pleasure and can't wait to go home and read the last one!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Tacky Halloween Inflatable Contest

One of my favorite blogs, Make Mine a Mojito, had a Halloween contest last week for the tackiest Halloween inflatables and/or decorated yard. 

I entered of course!  Jason and I scoured the Houston streets looking for wild inflatables.  You can now see all of the crazy entries and vote for your 2 favorites up until this Thursday, November 4. 

View and Vote HERE! 

Just leave a comment with your 2 favorites by Wednesday evening.  Winners announced Thursday.  Enjoy!

<<  Hint, Hint, my entry is #6 (below)...
just in case you want to vote for it...hint, hint!  >>

Turtle Time

That's right...Tucker was a turtle for Halloween 2010!  He was so cute and hated every minute of it. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jenni + Chris Wedding Weekend

Jason and I had a busy weekend (2 weekends ago) celebrating the marriage of our two friends Jenni & Chris! 

Chris and Jason grew up together in Corsicana and are still best buds.  We were so happy when Chris moved to Houston a few years ago. 

Jenni and I used to work together at the HBU (neither one of us are there anymore!).

Jenni and Chris met at the rodeo cookoff a few years ago (exactly one year after Jason and I met at the same rodeo cookoff...whoa!!).  The day after they met, Chris called me and Jason saying that he met a girl that I work with and asked if I would help connect them.  That next day I ran into Jenni, brought up Chris and asked if I could give him her email address...the rest is history! 

Friday night we attended their Welcome Dinner "Fiesta' at the Woodlands Resort & Conference Center.  It was great to connect with friends we hadn't seen in a while, the food was awesome and the bride and groom looked happy and relaxed.  Too bad this is the only picture I took of the entire evening!   

Saturday the boys golfed and I got a much needed haircut.  The weather was beautiful and we were all ready for the wedding at 6pm outside on the Forest Deck at the Woodlands Resort.  Jason was an usher and didn't trip once (except for after the wedding which doesn't count).

Jenni looked beautiful and Chris looked handsome.  The ceremony was gorgeous and sweet.
(Some of these pics were taken by friends and pulled off FB...gotta give credit!)

The cake was sooo yummy! 

My handsome husband and me

Jeff and Jason back together!  These boys lived together when J and I started dating.  We miss having Jeff in Houston.

Lindsey Jo and me

Great toast Cory!

My favorite part was the game they played at the ceremony

And then the dancing started...

I wanted to show you Jenni's two beautiful dresses since I didn't get any pics of her in the second dress, I pulled these from her gorgeous bridal portraits by Mia Bella Photography:

Ceremony Dress and veil

Reception Dress and hair piece

Congratulations Jenni & Chris!!!  We are so happy for you two.

Surprise Date Night 10.29.10

Friday night I surprised Jason with a fun, Halloween-themed date night on the town!  Jason is majorly into ghost stories and paranormal activity.  I have wanted to go on the Ghost Walk of downtown Houston for years and I thought Jason would love it.  

After a little research, I learned that the Spaghetti Warehouse in downtown Houston...just minutes from our tour, is known to be one of the most haunted places in Houston so we went there for dinner and drinks first.
2nd Floor of Spaghetti Warehouse...where the ghosts hang out!

The tour was pretty cool.  We stopped to hear stories about hauntings at La Carafe, the Donnellan Crypt, Brewery Tap, and Spaghetti Warehouse.   

At Brewery Tap in the middle of the tour

The best part of the tour was that my husband turned into the Ghost Whisperer.  Believe what you want, but according to our tour guide, Jason kept picking up orbs in our pictures.  Call it a bad camera, but we have tons of pictures without the orbs.  Check it out yourself:

The Donnellan Crypt

Brewery Tap

Regardless of what you think, it made Jason the celebrity of the group.  Everyone kept coming up to us asking to see our pictures.  After the tour, we went back to La Carafe for a drink and hopes of seeing the ghost bartender.  No luck on the ghost, but it's such a great place.  Definitely worth checking out if you're in Houston.  We had a great time and surprise date night was a success!

Happy Halloween!    

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Update: The Rare Short Sleeve Turtlneck

I wrote about my desperate search for short-sleeve turtlenecks earlier this month.  I'm happy to report back that I found a great deal on short sleeve turtlenecks at JC Penny. 

Liz Claiborne has my perfect sweater on sale now for $27.00 (originally $36.00) in three colors: black, creme and purple.  Originally I just ordered the black to replace my ratty one from last year.  But once it came in the mail and fit perfectly I caved and picked up the two other colors at my local JCP.  Yes, I've already worn all three! 

So worth $81.00 for all three! 

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween - Chihuahua Style

Tucker loves Halloween (aka, we love dressing Tucker up at Halloween!).  Jason and I are slackers this year - it's Halloween weekend and we still don't have anything for him.  I'm sure all of the smalls sizes are picked over now, but hopefully we will find something cute.  Here is what we are competing against:

Tucker 2007:  Captain Jack Sparrow

Tucker 2008:  Dorothy

Tucker 2009: Bumble Bee

Happy Halloween!  We hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend. 
Love, Chelsea, Jason & Tucker

P.S.  If you are looking for something spooky to do this weekend, Paranormal Activity 2 is hands down, one of the scariest movies I've ever seen and I have seen them all!  You can skip Wes Craven's My Soul to Take.  So stupid and not scary at all.  We even saw the 3D version, yawn.  

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just Because

Jason surprised me today with a necklace I've been lusting after since last May, no really, read here.  I came home to a scavenger hunt and found an Anthropologie gift card that I earned last week from my weight loss game (that's another post) and my very own Bullet Girl necklace!!! 

I love that there is a disclaimer on the Bullet Girl website that says to not wear your piece at the airport because you will not make it through security.  You know this has happened to a few people.  Definitely check out their line.  One of the designers is Houston based.  The line took off after Kim Kardashian flashed a pic of herself wearing one of the necklaces on her Twitter account. 

From the Bullet Girl website: Bullets symbolize violence but our new line of jewelry shifts the paradigm, transforming them into symbols of inner strength, personal conviction, and unflinching affirmation of self.

Thanks babe...your surprise is coming up next with Surprise Day Night on Friday!  Wonder what we will be doing...

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Newlywed 19

I was reading something the other day about the adventures in being a newlywed and the writer referred to her "newlywed 19" that she acquired her first year of marriage.  Not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but I sure did!  I got to partake in the lovely "Freshman 15" in college and now the "Newlywed 19." 

My weight gain came from eating the same things (and just as much) as my husband.  He orders a plate of yummy enchiladas and so would I...and clean my plate just like him!  Ice cream after dinner, yes please!  Breakfast tacos, bring 'em on!  

Luckily I've put a stop to this way of eating (mostly) and got into an exercise routine.  I'm about 7 pounds shy of beating this Newlywed 19.

Maybe one day I can tackle those 15 lbs that I've had since college. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Weight Watchers

I recently signed up for the most basic weight watchers plan.  No meetings or check-ins, just access to their website and iphone app.  So far I'm down 9.5 pounds! 

If you are not familiar with WW, the plan uses a point system.  I always thought counting "points" was the same thing as counting calories, but the points are determined by looking at the calories, fat and fiber so I feel that it gives you a more accurate idea of a "good" vs. "bad" food.  Something might be low in calories, but crazy high in fat, or higher in calories, but also high in fiber, thus making it a better choice.  In the past, I've had great success with Jenny Craig, however, I like WW better.  With JC I actually lost more weight, quicker,but as soon as I got off their food the weight would come right back.  With WW, I eat real, everyday food so when I lose weight, I feel like it's "real" weight. 

I also love the WW iPhone app.  I track my points everyday on it.  It also has a calculator so you can quickly determine how many points you are about to consume and can look up dishes at popular restaurants to help you make better decisions.  So far, it's working out great.

By counting points, I have cut my monthly Starbucks habit in half!  I get 22 points per fave nonfat Mocha is 5 points, so I have to really want it.  Also, no more pumpkin bread from Starbucks...this was my favorite treat, but at 9 points a pop, I just can't do it anymore! 

Some of my favorite things to eat now are:

-  Whole wheat English muffin (2 points) and 1 tablespoon of almond butter (2 points)
-  Healthy choice soup- Mexican Tortilla or Chicken Gumbo (2) and 5 Ritz reduced fat crackers (2)
-  6 inch Turkey sandwich from Subway loaded with veggies (6)
-  Smart Ones frozen meals: Three Cheese Ziti (6) is my fave!  Also like Pasta Primavera (5), Three Cheese Macaroni (6), Santa Fe Style Rice and Beans (6), Fettuccine with Broccoli (5)
-  Weight Watchers/Smart Ones ice cream...any flavor (2-4 points)
-  Souper Salad: salad with fat-free Italian dressing and cup of Vegetable Beef Soup- total meal 4 points
-  4 Ginger Snap cookies (3 points)

Anyone else on WW?  What are your favorite things to eat?  Any tips?

Happy Dieting  Eating Right! 

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