On Tuesday, October 27 at 8am Jason and I checked into the hospital. I was a mess that morning - nervous for the surgery, but mostly anxious about leaving Jack and how he would handle this big change. As soon as our nanny walked in the door that morning I burst into tears. It's funny because I actually had almost the same experience right before leaving our house to have Jack, but my anxiety and tears came from leaving Tucker {our chihuahua}!
One last bump picture the morning of the surgery! |
As soon as we checked in, the amazing hospital staff took my mind off of these worries. First the check-in nurse was so friendly and talkative and then our wonderful nurse. We did all of the normal stuff that I remembered from last time...changing into the hospital gown, IV, lots of paperwork and questions, blood-work.
We were supposed to have the c-section at 10am, but things were running behind. The time passed fast with the family that was already up at the hospital. My mom, dad and stepmom and Jason's moms were all there and hanging in the room. Telling stories and being silly. My mom brought some gorgeous flowers to cheer up the room.
I was getting nervous about the epidural. It wasn't a big deal the first time, but for some reason I was still nervous about it. I met the anesthesiologist and really liked him. Finally around 11:30 I walked to the OR with my wonderful nurse to get started. Jason would join later after my epidural was done - standard procedure just like last time. I said bye to all of our family as I walked to the OR, another different experience from last time.
Once in the OR, everything went so smoothly. I saw my doctor who I loved and we talked about the "Glen episode" of The Walking Dead from that past Sunday. Every nurse and assistant who was in the room was so warm, reassuring and helpful. Once the epidural was done, I felt great about everything, happy and relaxed. At one point I thought I was going to be sick, but I told the anesthesiologist and he gave me medicine to make it go away - which it did within seconds.
At exactly 12:00 p.m. Colin came out screaming! His loud cry was so reassuring to me that he was alive and well since I couldn't see him yet. The downside of a c-section is that you can't see your baby right away since you are strapped to a table with a big curtain from your neck down. While they are checking on the baby and getting him measured, etc. you are being worked on and stitched up. Jason was able to see him immediately and took lots of pictures. He kept bringing the camera to me so I could see him. Finally they brought him to me for a short minute and I was in love. He looked nothing like what I was expecting which was lots of dark hair and basically just a similar version of Jack. He didn't look like me or Jason, but was a perfect little, beautiful baby doll.

Pleasantly, I was able to see him within the hour (another different experience from Jack which took hours to see). He was the perfect baby. He nursed so naturally and perfectly from the start. The next two days were great. I made sure to stay on top of the meds so I was never in terrible pain. For some reason I was worried that a c-section the second time around would hurt worse and be a harder recovery, but it wasn't, maybe even the opposite.
I walked when I was supposed to and all the docs and nurses said I was a rock-star. I took a shower the second day when all of my tubes and IV's were out and even gave myself a blowout and did a little makeup (more than I can say for the first time around).
The afternoon of the first day, Jack came up to the hospital to meet Colin. He was perfect. He was excited, sweet and understanding that mommy was in bed and couldn't get up. I was nervous that he wouldn't want to leave the hospital without us, but he was great. I think he was just having so much fun with my mom that he was in heaven. I'm so thankful to her for not only keeping him those two nights, but making it so fun for him that he wasn't upset.
Jack brought Colin a balloon and a stuffed animal and wore his Big Brother shirt. He loved his gifts too from Colin especially the digital camera!
Jack came back up for a short while on Day Two and again did great. We took some pictures and let him hold him. What an amazing moment!
We met with the amazing Lactation Consultant on Day Two. I just wanted reassurance that all was okay since we had the help there at our disposal. She gave me some tips and products but said Colin was a champ! I was not in much pain this time around, yay!
Colin wasn't thrilled to leave the hospital either and showed us by spitting up all over his precious going home outfit when seconds of putting it on! |
We stayed in the hospital for two nights. I almost wanted to stay another night just for the pampering - everything is brought to you including meals and your baby! I probably could have stayed another night if I would have insisted, but the docs and nurses seemed confident that I was good to be released and I knew Jason was anxious to get home and I missed Jack so home we went to start out life as a family of four!
We went home on Thursday, 10/29 and were greeted by this gorgeous sign by Sassy Storks! Jack joined us and we spent the next few days getting adjusted and celebrating Halloween.