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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thoughts on Thursday :: Boy or Girl?

A few weeks ago at my last doctor's appointment I declined the blood screening that not only tests for abnormalities in the baby, but also tells you the baby's gender.  We opted out of this last time so I did the same this time.  Well, after several of my friends, also due around the same time as us, announced their baby's gender I started to get the itch.  

So yesterday I bit the bullet and did the blood screening, not wanting to wait 7 more weeks at the 20 week mark for the anatomy scan.  We should have the results by our next appointment on May 11 - just in time for my birthday on 5/13!  

Annie {Home of Malones} did this fun gender post with a list of old wives tales on predicting gender.  Her results said girl and she just recently announced that she is having a girl!  
I thought it would be fun to put these to the test on Coffee Bean in preparation for our big news! 
Sleep Position
Pay attention to which way you lay down in bed tonight. If you prefer sleeping on your left side, you’ll have a boy. Right side? You’re pregnant with a girl.
GIRL - I have been sleeping on my right side almost every night, but this is also how I face my phone and baby monitor so it's nothing new. 
Upset Stomach
Little girls aren’t always sweet. Extreme nausea means you are having a daughter.
BOY- I have had nausea the entire first trimester, but wouldn't classify it as extreme.  I never used medication for it and it was about the same with Jack.

Soft or Dry Hands
If your hands are dry during pregnancy, you are having a boy; soft—expect a girl.
BOY- My hand are ALWAYS dry so I'm not putting much stock in this one.

Food Cravings
Your favorite pregnancy foods may tell you what sex the baby is. If you’re craving citrus while pregnant, you’re having a girl.
GIRL- I've been craving anything lemon, but also did with Jack so again, not putting too much stock in this one! 

Adult Acne
If altering hormones makes your skin break out, expect a girl.

BOY- My skin has been doing great lately even though I've been neglecting it! 

Graceful or Clumsy Pregnancy
If you feel as though you’re gliding through they day, you’ll have a girl. Stumbling? It’s a boy.
BOY- I'm always clumsy though!

Face Weight Gain
If your face gets fuller, it means you’re having a girl.
GIRL - my face is definitely fuller, however I felt this way with Jack too.

Sugar and Spice Food Cravings
Craving salt during pregnancy? Potato chips, pretzels, and popcorn means a boy is on the way. Need a little something sweet? Ice cream, chocolate, and candy means you’re having a girl.
GIRL - although I crave both, I think my sweet cravings outweigh the salty

Mood Changes
If you’re experiencing pregnant mood-swings, expect a baby girl to arrive soon.
GIRL -I'm constantly up and down with my moods - sorry family!

High or Low Pregnant Belly
If you’re carrying the baby low on your stomach, expect a boy. If it’s high, you’re having a girl.
Too early to tell on this one especially since I'm so short-waisted.  Jack felt high the entire pregnancy last time.   

Baby Weight
If you’re carrying baby in front, it’s a boy. Is the baby weight spaced all around your middle? It’s a girl.
BOY- It's really too early to tell on this one, but if I had to pick it would be more in front.

Model Your Hands
“Show me your hands.” If you would hold your hands palms up it’s a girl. Down? You’re having a boy.
GIRL - I always naturally turn my hands up.

Even and Odd Numbers
If your age and year of conception are both even or odd, it’s girl. One even, one odd means a boy.
GIRL - 31 and 2015

Baby’s Heartbeat
If the baby’s heart beats more than 150 times per minute, you’re pregnant with a girl. Less than 150, it’s a boy.
Girl- It's been more than 150 each visit

Stress Test
A child tends to be of the same sex as the parent who is less stressed at the time of conception.
BOY- We will always have boys if this rings true!

Dream Meanings
If you dream about having a girl while pregnant, you will wind up having a boy and vice versa.
Haven't had any dreams like this yet.   

My final score:
GIRL = 8
BOY = 6

Everyone that I know certainly HOPES we are having a girl - I guess for that "perfect" family with one of each - which I think is crap.  I think God gives you exactly what you are supposed to have.  

Jason and I honestly do not care.  There are positives to both and we will find out soon enough!  We pretty much already have a boy name locked down (unless Jason changes his mind and gives me River) so that would certainly make things easier.  I'm all over the place on girl names! 

Now it is your turn to weigh in - do you think boy or girl?

I'm linking up today with Annie and Natalie today for Thoughts on Thursday. 

Thoughts for Thursday

Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekend Recap + Lily for Target Thoughts

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you had a great weekend.  Ours wasn't even close to being long enough, but that's usually how it is.

Friday a huge storm rolled into town so we ordered pizza and enjoyed listening to the rain.  Well, Jason and I did.  I thought our dog Tucker was going to have a heart attack.  Poor thing was so scared.  Jack slept right through it.

Saturday after the muggiest walk around the neighborhood, we planned to attend a first birthday party that I was really looking forward to so I could catchup with friends when I started feeling awful.  It was a quick stomach bug of sorts.  I'm fine now, but most of the day Saturday I couldn't move.  Thankfully, I got a nap out of the deal which is very unusual for me! 

Sunday morning (after browsing the Target website only to see everything was sold out) I really wanted to go stand in line with the crazies at Target for the Lily Pulitzer for Target launch, but we needed to go to church and I felt like a bad mom for telling Jason to get Jack ready so I could stand in line to try and score some Lily items that I don't really need.  So off to church we went followed by lunch and trying to get my fussy baby to nap.  I ran to Target in the afternoon followed by a grocery run.  {see more of my Target run below in my Lily for Target thoughts}

Once home from the grocery store madness (why do Sundays have to be so crazy at HEB), Jason, Jack and I did some outdoor chores.  Our backyard was so muddy from the storms so we basically sprayed everything down.  Jack thought this was the best thing ever, especially when we soaped down his water table.

We went to dinner and my mom's house which was a huge treat not to have to cook!  "Mimi and Papi" gave Jack his birthday presents early including a Radio Flyer trike and Kindle Fire Kids Edition.  What a spoiled boy!  

Lily for Target Thoughts

By the time I made it to our neighborhood Target around 3:00 it was as if the Lily launch had never even happened.  There was nothing left.  I was totally expecting for the "hot" items like dresses, scarves and totes to be gone, but usually there are a few stragglers left behind from these designer collaborations.  I was expecting to find a hair tie, nail polish, makeup bag and a few home items.  NADA.  The only thing I ran across was one Lily girls dress in a 5T that somehow ended up in the Plus Section....yes, I was even browsing the Plus section just to find SOMETHING!

I walked out sad and empty-handed, but was definitely not in the mood to drive around town trying other stores.  Who has time for that?  I may look at the other closest Target this afternoon, but maybe not.

After reading accounts of the insanity on other blogs and on Instagram it's just sad how the collaborations work.  Most Targets don't limit how many items you can purchase so most of these people who were lined up just bought everything they could get their hands on, not paying attention to sizes or what it was, just to sell it on Ebay and Instagram.

I refuse to buy these pieces from a second party unless it's for the listing price.  We are just encouraging these people if we do this.  Remember that even though these are Lily pieces, they are Target quality.  If you want to pay double or triple for these items, just go buy a regular Lily piece.  I've always been able to find a Target Designer Collaboration piece same day at my store.  Maybe not the hottest item, but there was always something left.  This was just crazy!

Share your Lily stories!  Did you score anything?  And if you are in the Houston area, be sure and report back to everyone which stores are sold out and what stores have stuff left.

P.S.  Another blogger mentioned that the return policy on these pieces is 14 days so you can keep checking back to your store to see if things start recirculating.  Online orders could be returned to your store too. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Five on Friday

I've never looked forward to the weekend more than I am today.  Well maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but I just feel like we are drowning this week.  I've cancelled most of our prior commitments so we can just stay home and focus on everyone resting and getting back to normal.  Sometimes you just need to slow it down.


Is anyone else excited for the Lily Pulitzer for Target launch this Sunday?  I'm not a die hard Lily fan, but lately I've been drawn to the fun and bright patterns.  I'm not exactly in the market for regular clothes these days, but I'm eyeing some of her cover-ups that would be so cute this summer with my bump...that will surely need to be covered up!  Be sure and checkout the cute dresses, scarves, totes, sandals and palazzo pants too!  Besides women's clothing there is also great pieces in home, beauty, girl/toddler girl and women's plus items! 

Kimono Cover-up, $30 - Online Only (available in plus)

Kaftan Coverup, $30 (available in plus)

VNeck Tank Top, $22 (available in plus)

Flip Flops, $16

I'm not sure yet if I'm going to brave the crowd on Sunday or just jump online.  Either way, I'm sure it will be crazy.  The collaborations always seem to crash the Target site.   If you want first shot at the items you need to get online between 12am-2am Sunday or be at the stores EARLY to fight the crowds. 

Be sure and view the lookbook in advance to see all the prices and which items are online only. 


Houston got a huge storm last night and now our front yard is currently covered in a huge pile of dirt- turned-mud thanks to a plumbing project that was started yesterday.  Our plumber chose the rainiest two days to tackle this project.  Fingers crossed everything can be wrapped up today.   Owning a home sometimes sucks. 

And in related news, Jason's office had a major rain leak overnight and most of his items are totally ruined.  He's not having the best day ever.  


I can't wait to try this recipe for One Pan Baked Salmon and Vegetables that Brittany blogged about today.  It seems so easy, delicious and healthy.  Perfect for a weeknight.  I've been slacking lately on the weeknight dinners. 


Anyone else loving Southern Charm lately?  I love this show and am so happy it's back! Even Jason will tolerate this one with me. 


Here's a little bump pic that I snapped yesterday at 11 weeks.  Just looks like bloat unless it's at the end of the day and I've eaten too much...then it's a full-on baby bump!


Linking up:


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Weekend Recap

Hi friends!  I'm a day late on this weekend recap, but yesterday doesn't count since I was home with a little sickie.  I was home both Friday and Saturday with a sick Jack.  This was not the kind of 4-day weekend I like.  I'm back to work today even more exhausted than usual. 


My weekend actually started on Friday.  I stayed home from work with Jack who was not feeling well.  He had a terrible few nights which is not like him and was up all night on Thursday just screaming.  I took him to the doctor Friday afternoon and because he didn't have a fever or major symptoms like a red throat or ear infection, they deemed it allergy related.

We did lots of snuggles, TV watching and just trying to keep Jack comfortable.  For someone who looked so tired, he would not nap.  The allergy medicine that his doctor recommended that night did the trick and he slept the entire night! 


Saturday we were supposed to attend a birthday party at the Butterfly Museum at Houston's Museum of Natural Science.  I was so looking forward to taking Jack here and seeing friends, but he was still feeling bad along with Jason so I knew we needed to stay home.   I ran some errands and did normal chores before getting ready for a fundraiser dinner we had that evening.

Jason's sister watched Jack while we attended Jack's preschool's first ever fundraiser.  Jack won't start school until the fall, but we are so happy to already be involved and get to know his teachers. 

The dinner was so fun because they had a live dessert auction after dinner where each table bids on the dessert they want to enjoy that evening.  Our table bid on a carrot cake made by our church's best cook.  We ended up with the winning bid of $700!  Good thing it was delicious {and for a great cause]!


I planned on taking Jack to the later church service Sunday morning while Jason did homework, however he seemed worse when he woke up.  I didn't want to risk exposing the other kids in the nursery to whatever was going on so we stayed home.

Poor guy started running a fever of 101 later in the day so it was another quiet day at home.  These make for longs days for mama so I was thrilled when I got out of the house for an hour to hit up the grocery store...such an exciting day!

We kept Jack's fever under control with Children's Acetaminophen throughout the day and put him to bed at his normal time.  While Jason and I were winding it down and watching Friends reruns in bed we noticed how restless Jack was in his crib.  He wasn't crying, but just couldn't get comfortable.  We both went up to check on him around 9:30 and he was on fire.  It was so scary how hot he was and seemingly out of it.  His temperature peaked at 104 and we didn't hesitate to call his pediatrician who I knew was on call.

We were seconds from going to the hospital, but after her advice of increasing his acetaminophen and alternating that with Children's Motrin, we were able to get his fever way down and back to bed.  He started becoming more alert which made me feel better.  We didn't get much sleep that night getting up to check on him.  His fever didn't return until the next morning, but even then wasn't crazy high. 


Back to the doctor for the Purifoys on this Monday!  Our insurance company must love us right now.  We had to divide and conquer.  I took Jack back to his pediatrician first thing on Monday while Jason went to his doctor.  Luckily my mom met us at Jack's appointment which was a big help when it came time to hold him down to swab his throat...awful!

Jack tested positive for Strep and Jason was also given a prescription. 

I had my doctor's appointment that afternoon for another ultrasound and lots and lots of labwork.  I loved getting to see Coffee Bean again.  After only week he/she seemed so much bigger and was moving like crazy.  I even got a few waves.  What a crazy four days!

Now I'm playing crazy catchup after being out of it focusing on the sickies.  And let's just hope I stay well!

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Five on Friday :: Pregnancy #2 Announcement

Happy Friday!  Thanks for stopping by today so I can bring you up to speed on our big announcement yesterday.

Photo by Eighty Two Photography


Our estimated due date is November 5, however we will likely have a c-section at 39 weeks (what we had to do last time) which would move Coffee Bean into the October baby category on October 29.  Jason is thrilled for a Halloween baby until I pointed out that meant we would likely still be in the hospital on Halloween.


We will find out the gender and will share it with everyone.  Our last doctor didn't do an anatomy scan until 20 weeks and I'm not sure what the policy of our new doctor is, but 20 weeks would be end of June.  That sure seems like a long time!  I don't have any preference or feelings this time around.  A brother would be so cool for Jack and boy do we have lots of boy clothes that need to be worn again.  A girl would be fun and new too!  The Chinese Prediction Calendar says girl, but I'm feeling very similar to how I felt with Jack.


We do not have any names picked out yet.  Just throwing around ideas, but just like last time we are not agreeing.  I like my unusual names and Jason does not.  I think since we have a Jack - very common name - I should get my hippie name for Coffee Bean, but we will see!  For girls I'm really loving old-fashioned and British names.  For boys, I'm still standing strong with River, but my husband says over his dead body. 


I'm feeling as you'd expect : tired and nauseous.  Just like my last pregnancy, I never actually get sick.  I just feel crappy all day long.  This will also explain my lack of blogging and Instagram quietness as I feel like the walking dead right now.  If I owe you an email response, I'm very sorry!  Hoping to regain some energy in the next month!

We got some bad news at our confirmation appointment that our current doctor who we LOVE and delivered Jack is no longer delivering babies.  This is my curse as my last doctor Pre-Jack did the same thing.  Luckily, we found a new doctor just this week and are, so far, pleased with his office and doctor vibes.

I already feel huge and have even started wearing some of my old maternity clothes just out of comfort.  My regular clothes still fit me, but since I already have this stuff, why not be comfortable!  I don't necessarily look pregnant with a "bump" yet, just bloated and thicker.  I've been trying to walk/run after work, but between busy schedules, bad weather and just wanting to sleep, it hasn't been happening as often as it should.


If you followed my pregnancy last time, you know that I'm not one of those pregnant women who are thin with a "cute little" bump.  I get large, everywhere.  I'm short, short-waisted and am already 10 pounds heavier this time around than I was last time around thanks to baby weight that never got dropped.  I'll be more the Jessica Simpson pregnancy route than the Giselle pregnancy.  But I'm feeling confident since Jessica Simpson looks damn good now after two babies!

Finally, my soap box from my last pregnancy was about the rude comments that I received about my weight gain and constant comments about my appearance.  It's already begun this time around as someone already said that she knew I was pregnant weeks before I told her since she noticed a bulge in my stomach (this was at only 7 weeks people so I wasn't showing).  She said this at work in front of my male superiors.  And so it begins...

Original image by Mommas Gonna Snap Photography

Back to the important stuff - we are thrilled and excited and over the moon for little Coffee Bean to arrive.  I probably won't do the weekly bump updates this time around (the second child syndrome has already begun), but I do plan to update maybe monthly. 

Let me know if I failed to mention something - you know I'm an open book!

Hope you have a great weekend!



Linking up:


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Coming November {Or October} 2015...

Baby "Coffee Bean" Purifoy 

We are thrilled and excited {and exhausted from the pregnancy} to be expecting another kiddo sometime around the end of October/early November....Jason is hoping for a Halloween baby!  I will be back tomorrow for Five on Friday to give you all of the fun details about the pregnancy so far and all the things I've been dying to share.

I just couldn't wait to spill the *beans* any longer!

And BIG THANKS to Bre of Eighty Two Photography {and Bre Writes} for taking the picture above.  She is an insanely talented photographer and fellow Houston Moms Blog Contributor.  Plus she's just cool!



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