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Friday, November 27, 2009

Bad Blogger of the Year

Goes to me!  I know, I haven't been blogging lately.  So glad to be back!  So, what have I been up to?  The usual: work, school, etc.  Nothing drastic has happened or anything, I just feel like I haven't had a spare minute and when I do, blogging is the last thing on my mind. 

I now just have 2 more weeks left of graduate school!!!  I can't get too excited yet because I have a black cloud of papers and presentations crammed in the next 2 weeks, but I will graduate on December 12.  Not to toot my own horn, but I am really proud of myself.  It is really hard to work full time and get an MBA completed in 2 years.  Not to mention that during that time, Jason and I got engaged, planned a wedding, got married and went on a honeymoon! 

Besides school, work has been crazy!  I have been recruiting out of town and around Houston, planning and hosting events, and have even added new roles to my position like working with the school's Greek life. 

My stepsister got married in Oklahoma last weekend (that post coming soon), Jason and I have been working on the house, and we try to get some rest in between everything else. 

Jason has been working harder than ever wtih the resort.  He gets up at 4am almost every morning to work, leaves the house around 6am and then doesn't get home until about 7pm...sometimes working when he gets home! 

No one can accuse us of being lazy!  We also celebrated our 1-year engagement anniversary on November 8.  We were too busy to actually celebrate, but we pretty much celebrate everyday that we have together.  Right now we are in Jason's hometown for Thanksgiving-coming home tomorrow. 

We hope everyone has many things to be thankful for this year.  We certainly do!  We are so thankful for our amazing families, great friends, jobs, and of course, Tucker and each other.  So happy to be back to the blog.


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