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Monday, July 25, 2016

Catching Up :: Busy, Busy

Hey everyone!  I'm doing the worst thing that any blogger can ever do and that's go radio silent!  It was not my intention, but phew I've been busy.  Same story, different day!  But I've been busy for good reasons....

Busy with my family...Jack is making awesome progress with potty-training and Colin has just started crawling everywhere!  Those two things alone are reason enough to be quiet on the blog front.

Busy with Rodan + Fields...I started this little side biz at the end of April and it's just taken off from there.  Not only am I in love with the products for myself, but I love my team of women who are so encouraging and seriously going places.  I've even added an amazing new consultant under me and I'm looking for more!  We are making great money, earning fun little incentives and having a blast doing it!

Busy with Houston Moms my latest post about my favorite picks at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale this year {thank you extra R+F income}!

Busy trying to be healthy...this month I jumped back into 21 Day Fix and I'm also getting back into a more consistent routine at Pure Barre.  I know weight loss is 90% diet, but when I'm working out, I'm more likely to eat better!

Busy celebrating...Jason snuck off for a little overnight "staycation" to celebrate our wedding anniversary {that was in May}!  We went to the Houstonian for a spa day at Trellis - my favorite spa in the entire world.  After getting into full-on relaxation mode, we had a great dinner and enjoyed a little night off of parenting.

Busy taking new R+F leader Meredith and I were lucky enough to take some fun new photos a few weeks ago at two epic mural walls in Houston with two up and coming photographers Stacy Anderson Photography {photo at top of post} and C. Wright Photography {below}!  It was super hot, but it sure was worth it.

And busy with Snapchat!  I know I'm late to the game, but I've seriously fallen in love with Snapchat this month. Instead of catching up on my favorite blogs at the end of the night, I find myself catching up on everyone's snaps!  I'm trying to get better about snapping myself.  Follow me {theperfectcatch}.  I just posted {a ton} of snaps this evening on my favorite Rodan + Fields products and my nighttime skincare routine including how to use the awesome AMP MD Roller!

Many of my items from the Nordstrom sale are starting to arrive eeekk!!! so I plan to pop back in this week and review what I've received and tried on!  Crazy how quickly things sold out this year and that's even as a cardholder myself with early access.

Talk soon!  Hope your week is off to a great start!

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