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Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Power of a Blog

I have been writing "The Perfect Catch" for about a year and half now.  I will be the first to admit that I am not the best blogger: I could post more often or write about a wider variety of topics, etc.  But, I LOVE it!  I love signing on to my google reader on a Sunday morning with my cup of coffee (literally doing that now) and catch up on what is going on in my little blog world with my blog friends. 

Some of my family members, coworkers or friends will make comments like "oh don't you blog...what in the world do you write about" or "I don't get it", while others log on and read my posts.  I think sometimes they view it as superficial (often my posts are) or self-important (why do I think I am so important to have a blog), and silly, but I have recently realized the power of a blog.  Lots of great blog links are coming...

My dear friend and coworker, Ashley: Newlyweds & Nesting, introduced me to blogging, Google Reader  and so many of the wonderful blogs that I read. 

Ashley and I have even bonded over our new blogger friends!  We will discuss the post topics of Erin: Blue-Eyed Bride, Mojito Maven: Make Mine a Mojito and Julia: My Life in Transition as if we know these women.  I guess to some it may sound stalkerish, but if I knew that other women were discussing my blog posts, I would feel very honored and encouraged!  By the way...I LOVE the blogs listed above and highly recommend you check them out. 

I have even made friends and personal connections with some of these women.  When I finally met, Ashley's best friend, Amy: My Life in the Real World, I felt like were already great friends because she knew so much about my life and I did hers.  I remember our first time to meet at Ashley's wedding- we met, hugged and started talking about my recent engagement all within a five minute period!  Our blogs sped up the friendship process.  Amy even had to be reminded this past New Years's if she had ever actually met my husband, or just felt like she had through the blog...she hadn't! 

I consider myself friends wtih Jenn, from Meet the McCradys.  We have never met,  but have mutual friends.  During my wedding planning she gave me some great advice (which I took) about wedding bands, dresses, etc.  Hopefully one day we will get a chance to meet!  I have loved getting to know Sarah: Count it all Joy and just recently met Jessica and what did we talk about...blogs! 

Blogging has kept me in touch with friends that don't live close anymore.  We all get busy with work, school, life so sometimes it is hard to nurture those relationships.  Through her blog, I have remained in touch with my sorority sister, Laura: Being the Cheese.  I am so excited to see Laura get married in just a few weeks and I have loved reading about her wedding planning process! 

I have bonded and remained connected with my friend and former boss, Sarah: One Stitch Short.  Sarah is an expert blogger and recently turned her love of blogging and knitting into a career by working for Ravelry, an online knitting community! 

So as you can see, the power of a blog is great.  Blogs have provided me with great advice, a therapist, issues to ponder, entertainment and friends.  Hopefully one day, my little 'ole blog will do the same for someone else as other blogs have done for me.  I plan on being a better "commenter" so that I can grow these relationships and I encourage you to do the same. 

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!  Happy Sunday! 


  1. What a wonderful lists of blogs, I really enjoyed them.

  2. Aww...sweet post! :) And what's the first thing I do when I get home from vacation - check my Google Reader!! haha, missed you!

  3. Thanks for the shout out friend! :) I have loved still being connected to you and Ashley through the blogs! Speaking of, I need to go update mine! :)

  4. Hey bloggy friend! Love this post!!!



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