I can't believe my little man has been on this earth for a year now. He is my everything and changed my life in such a wonderful way. What better way to celebrate his life than by capturing this moment on camera to remember forever. Plus it was a great excuse for cake!
We were lucky enough to find Studio Ainsley back when I was pregnant. I can't say enough wonderful things about Studio Ainley's amazingly talented photographer turned friend, Maca. I can give countless examples of why she is so wonderful, but the biggest one is that her ideas can get even Jason excited to take pictures...this is huge people!
Plus, getting a teething, cranky one year old to smile and laugh is a huge plus. At 6pm. With multiple wardrobe changes. Miracle worker she is.
Check out our other sessions with Studio Ainsley for Jack's First Year of Life:
I prepared more for this shoot than for any of the others. I blame Pinterest for this. We had so much fun using the props and banners, yet my favorite images are some of the more simple ones - this is where having a professional photographer with just plain natural talent and experience makes a huge difference! Anyone can get a cute photo with banners and props. Not everyone can get a stunning picture of sweet and simple moments.
But then again, the props are fun too!
This setup below was so amazing and 100% dreamed up by Maca.
But I think my absolute favorites are of the sweet moments of Jack sharing his cake with his parents who love him to the moon and back!
If you are interested in booking Maca for a future session, watch for a post coming later this month on Houston Mom's Blog about throwing a first birthday party.
Hint, Hint: Studio Ainsley will have a special offer for the readers!
Beautiful family!
ReplyDeleteThese are the sweetest pictures! I love the little makeshift tent, so dreamy!
ReplyDeleteThese are adorable! Love them!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love how you are styling your short hair lately! Can you give us a tutorial?
oh these are beautiful! I love them all props and no props...but the fave is the cake =) always love a good smash cake =)
ReplyDeleteI'm so behind on reading blogs - but I just LOVE these! We're doing smash cake photos and bubble bath pics for 1 year and I'm already planning her birthday party - so I am in the same boat with the over planning. Love love love!