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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What To Wear on Christmas

I'm in full on packing mode right now {in my head - I'm currently at the office} which means I have to make decisions on what I want to wear on Christmas now rather than spur of the moment based on my mood...yet another reason why I hate packing. 

If you are like me, I like to be a little festive, a lotta comfortable and 100% picture worthy.  That's sort of a tall order. 

Pinterest Told Me To posted some great ideas yesterday.  I've already decided that I'm doing the "Blardigan" outfit on our travel home day since it's supposed to be cold and rainy.  I wore that exact outfit last week on a rainy day and it was perfection. 

What do you typically wear on Christmas Day?  Is your family more formal or extra relaxed? 

Option #1 - Dress and Tights with boots and scarf
Not festive or super functional since I'll likely be on the floor a lot with Jack, but super comfy.  To me, dresses are often more comfortable (and forgiving) than jeans or pants. 

Loft Winter Outfit for Christmas

Option #2 - {Inspired by PTMT}  Jeans, Boots, Blanket Scarf and Loft Tunic Sweater
Very cozy and somewhat festive.  The blanket scarf will coordinate well with what Jason and Jack are wearing...although we would be officially deemed "the plaid family"

Loft Christmas Outfit #2

I think I'd personally feel better in Option #1, but like the idea of being festive and matchy with my family in Option #2. 

Any help or preferences?  What are you wearing?

1 comment:

  1. I vote blanket scarf with skirt!! Comfort and add in the scarf to match your fam! Here is a pinterest board with looks that I love! Cant wait to see what you decide!



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