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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Still Here...

Hi everyone!  I just wanted to check in quickly and say that I'm still here and this blog is still alive.  It's just been rather overwhelming lately dealing with a colicky newborn who prefers to cry at night rather than sleep and an active toddler who has been sick more than he has been well.  Not complaining in any way!  In fact, we are all doing well and getting lots of help and yummy meals from friends and family.  I just wanted to explain why I haven't been blogging these past few weeks.  I shall return very soon! 

Whenever Colin naps I've been choosing showers, sleep and chores over blogging.

I have a long list of posts I hope to knock out in the coming weeks about what's been going on including Colin's birth story, postpartum updates and even what I've been wearing lately (so happy to be done with my maternity wardrobe)!

Love you guys, miss you and look forward to getting back into the swing of things very soon.  Until then, I hope to catch you over on Instagram @ChelseaPurifoy which is about all I can tackle these days!

Here are a few previews from our newborn pictures we took with Momma's Gonna Snap Photography who also shot our maternity pictures!

Hope you are having a wonderful week.  If you are local in the Houston area, aren't you loving these cooler temps today?!?!



  1. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. I'd choose showers and naps over blogging too. And snuggling with that adorable little pumpkin :)

  3. So glad you all are adjusting well! Baby Colin is so adorable and I can't wait to hear more!



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