Christmas in Arlington - 12/17/11
We traveled to Arlington for the weekend to celebrate Christmas with Jason's dad and his side of the family. We had a great time seeing everyone, eating turkey and dressing and opening gifts!
Dinner at the Purifoys - 12/21/11
I didn't take any pics from this night, but J and I hosted my Grandma who was in from Arkansas along with my Dad, stepmom, step-sisters, brother and every one's significant others to our place for food and drinks. It was fun and the best part was having my grandma see where we live.
Tacky Sweater & Enchilada Night - 12/23/11
My grandma is famous for her chicken enchiladas so it's a tradition that she make them for everyone each time she visits Houston. All of us "kids" decided to turn "Enchilada Night" into "Tacky Sweater night". Somehow we decided that next year would be Enchilada "Hawaiian" Night Thanks to Jenn, Jason and I ran to Walmart for some tacky turtlenecks...I thought we did pretty good for having only a day's notice. Even Tucker dressed up!
All of the "kids": Me, J, Nicole, Geoffrey, Jessica, Emory, Amanda, Carter |
J, Grandma, Me and Tucker |
It's become a fun tradition the past few years, to attend Christmas Eve mass with my mom and LE at their church, followed by dinner at our fave Chinese food restaurant. It was so much fun and this year we even had a really cold Christmas!
J, Me, Mom, LE |
Christmas Day
This year Jason and I celebrated Christmas day in Houston (we rotate between families) so we had a LONG day, but who can complain, when we got to spend it visiting family, eating, and opening gifts.
Dad's House at 9am for Breakfast Pizza and gifts:
J, Me, Karin, Dad, Gradma, Carter |
Jessica, Nicole, Me, Carter |
Aunt Vicki & Uncle Jack's place for lunch at noon:
LE, Mom, Carter, Me, J |
My Grammy, Vic and cousin Jake |
Back to Mom and LE's House with LE's side of the family for dinner at 6pm. We ran out of time that day to do gifts with my mom and LE, but no worries, we had a sleep over at their house and continued the present-fun the next morning. I must have been worn out because I didn't take an pictures of these events.
Christmas in Corsicana - 12/31/11
We spent New Year's Eve in Jason's hometown to celebrate Christmas with his mom's side of the family.
Me, Nannie, J, Uncle John |
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