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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Jack's Birth Story

I've been dying to share Jack's birth story, but finding the time to blog with a newborn has been challenging.  Jack is an amazing little boy and I love him so, so much.  I'm healing great and each day gets easier!  Now on to his birth story! 

The week before we had Jack I felt like I was in and out of the doctor's office every other day.  I was on bed rest for 2 weeks and my blood pressure and swelling were up and down.  Every day I had an appointment we thought it might be "the" day until finally we were told that we would be inducing exactly one week early on Friday, May 3.

We were told to check into the hospital at midnight on Friday, May 3 so Thursday I was so, so anxious!  Thursday night we ate dinner, packed our bags (well, mine had been ready for awhile, but I made final choices), and made our final preparations.  I took a shower, put on full make-up and gave myself an extra good blow-out.  We said our good-byes to Tucker and off we went to the hospital at 11:45 p.m. 

Upon arrival we were immediately checked-in and given a room and nurse.  We made ourselves at home in anticipation of a long night. We were told that we would start the induction, but it would be a slow process.  My doctor wouldn't even show up to the hospital to "get the show on the road" until 8am that morning. 

Side story: another couple with the same doctor also checked in at midnight.  It was quite laughable how much more stuff we brought than they did...oh well!  Just call me high maintenance prepared. 

I changed into a hospital gown, got in bed, was given an IV and then was given drugs to start the contractions (worst pain ever since this drug was a pill that had to be inserted underneath my pelvis by a not-so-gentle nurse).  Oddly enough, the nurse said that I was already having contractions when I arrived.  We took this as a great sign that my body was ready to have this baby and we were hopeful that everything would go smoothly.

The contractions started picking up, but it was nothing too uncomfortable.  No need for an epidural at that point and Jason and I even tried to sleep and rest as much as we could.  Between the hours of 1am-3:30am I laid in bed having contractions and even nodded off a few times.  The nurse continually came in to check on things, but she told me to rest.  At this point Jason and I did notice that each time I had a contraction the baby's heart rate would be all over the would slow way down after a contraction.  The nurse was watching it, but didn't seem too concerned...

Until around 4:00 a.m., when the nurse said she was concerned about the baby's heart rate and was going to call our doctor.  She seemed calm so we weren't too concerned until 20 minutes later when our doctor walked into our room (which was a shock to us since we weren't expecting to see him until 8am).  He quickly explained that we had to do a c-section since the baby wasn't responding well to the contractions.  Jack was experiencing "late decelerations" and since we were not close to push time this would only get worse.  The only solution was cesarean.  I was scared and bummed but didn't argue.  I just wanted whatever was best for Jack. 

I was then given a drug to stop the contractions and in my hazy state of mind thought the surgery would take place in a few hours.  Little did I know the "team" was being assembled and I was immediately getting prepped for surgery. 

By 5am I was walking into the OR and given an epidural.  Jason joined me in the room once I was already drugged up and the surgery had started.  Never losing our sense of humor, I welcomed him into the OR saying, "Gotta love the smell of burning flesh in the morning!"

At 5:43 a.m. Jack was born and immediately started crying!  He was beautiful with lots of hair and Jason and I were so in love with him.  I started bawling too on the operating room table.  They took Jack to a room next door that connected to the OR.  I made Jason go be with the baby and take pictures while they stitched me up.  I just laid there listening to my baby cry for what seemed like forever.

While they took me to recovery, they had to take Jack to the nursery for tests and for him to stabilize.  Our pediatrician came to check on him during this time also.  Jason went with Jack.  By then our parents were at the hospital and were also able to meet Jack.  Everyone came to check on me and kept giving me reports of what Jack was doing and how cute and active he was.  Everyone was telling me how long he was and also how alert and active he was being, even kicking off his ID bracelet. 

Jack didn't get to join me in my room until 9am!  It was a very long time to be without him, but worth the wait.  I spent the next few hours with him and Jason alone in the room bonding with our son.  By then I didn't even care that I had a c-section.  Jack was here and healthy and that was all that mattered. 

We ended up staying in the hospital for 2 nights.  The second day was the worst in terms of pain and being uncomfortable, however none of it was terrible.  Jason stayed with me the entire time and my mom helped a lot too.  We just had parents visit at the hospital and also made sure we had time by ourselves with Jack.  The hospital staff was amazing, helping me recover and teaching us lots of things about baby and breastfeeding. 



By the third day we were excited to go home!  Jack was doing great and we were officially discharged around 2pm. 

Jack's going home has an elephant on it of course!

Jack did great the first time in his infant seat and slept on the short drive home



  1. ....AND your hair and makeup looked FAB the whole time...

  2. Congrats mama! I think he's a keeper!

  3. He is adorable and I love these pictures! Yay for new babies!

  4. Congratulations! You look great and baby Jack is just precious. I hope y'all are getting some sleep!

  5. Your makeup's on point! beautiful story!



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