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Friday, August 9, 2013

Five on Friday

Phew...what a week!  So happy to see Friday!  I am THRILLED because we do not have any plans this weekend.  Sometimes those kind of weekends are the best.  I can catchup on laundry, chores and snuggles with my favorite boys...Tucker is included in that.


I want to buy this fox from Anthropologie for Jack after seeing my sis-in-law's son with it.  My stuffed animal addiction from my childhood has re-emerged. 


I participated in a webinar on Monday night through The Influence Network.  The presentation was given by Kate from The Small Things Blog about her Top 5 Blogging Mistakes.  I learned a lot and was able to meet new bloggers, all for just $10!   Checkout upcoming webinars on various topics hosted by the Influence Network here

Small world too...of the 60+ women that were in the chat room, one of them I happened to know from a former job!  I didn't even know she had a blog...cray cray!


Jack's Baptism went great last Sunday!  Since I'm taking so long to finish my full post on the Baptism, here is a picture of the day to hold you over (I know it's been killing you).  Jack was an angel. 


When Jack gets a little older, I really want to get him a Moozle Teepee for our family room.  A teepee, cozy blanket, Jellycat "friend" and some books sound like heaven to me.


For #5, I am very unexcited to share that we have not one...not two...but FIVE skunks living in our backyard.  That's right.  Five.  Two adults and three little stinker babies.  They are cute to watch from afar, but I'm so afraid Tucker is going to get sprayed one of these days.  If that happens, the little skunk family will be forced to adopt a chihuahua. 


  1. That fox and teepee are adorable! Oh my, a skunk family. When I was little some made a home in our crawl space and the smell got in our clothes, carpet, and everything...we had to evict them.

    1. Oh no...that sounds horrible! Hopefully out skunks keep stay far away from our house! Hope you're having a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. That fox is adorable!

    While I wouldn't want them living in my yard, I think baby skunkies are SO adorable!

    1. They are really cute! I hate that they are so stinky. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  3. That's a great family pic of y'all! What a great day!

  4. We have a skunk that visits out backyard too! And Riley loves how stinky he is! Sometimes she is out rolling in the grass and comes back stinking of skunk! We keep a case of canned tomatoes just in case because apparently that's the only thing to cut the smell.

    Love the baptism photos - can't wait to see more.

    1. How funny! Why do dogs love stinky things so much? Hope you are having a great weekend and feeling good.



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