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Friday, January 10, 2014

Five on Friday: Weight Loss, Anthro, TV, FitBit and Bump Watch

TGIF Friends!  Time for some Five on Friday. 


I'm blogging over at Houston Moms Blog today!  Go check if out after reading this post.  I'm talking about what I'm currently doing to get my fat butt a little less fat.  Skip down to #5 to read why this is is so necessary these days. 


Fun find alert from Anthropologie!  This tunic is so cute, comfy and forgiving.  Usually when I fall in love with a piece at Anthro it ends up being over $200 so I felt lucky with this one.   I wore it with leggings and tall boots. 


The Golden Globes AND the season premiere of Girls is on Sunday night! Who will be watching?


I started using a FitBit Zip yesterday that my mom put in my stocking and it is awesome!  You wear it to track your steps, calories burns and distance walked, but you can also sync it to your computer or phone.  This is a perfect way for my competitive self to get moving more.  I just set Jason's up for him to start using today.  Let the competition begin!


If you follow me on Instagram, sorry for the repeat story, but yesterday I headed to Target on my lunch break for a little pick-me-up and I was asked how far along I was by the lady working at Starbucks. 

People!  Don't you know that unless a baby is being pushed out you do NOT assume that someone is pregnant.  I acted like it didn't bother me and lied and said I just had a baby...there was people overhearing our conversation and I was trying to minimize the embarrassment on everyone's behalf and get out of there, but I did hop on over to the home goods aisle and shed a tear.  I also then justified buying some Valentine's decorations for myself :)

Now hop on over to Houston Moms Blog and read what I'm doing to ensure this doesn't happen again!

Maybe this was just God's sick way of trying to get me out of Target so much. 


  1. UGH Chelsea, I am so sorry! You are so right - you never ever ask unless it's an acquaintance so you know it to be true or there is VERY CLEARLY a basketball under there. Good for you for not being a jerk - I probably would have!

    Also I keep seeing posts about these activity trackers so now I want one! I want to see if and how you continue to use it so I can see if I want to get one, too!

  2. That is just CRAPPY someone would even have the nerve to ask that. I thought general rule was to absolutely know for sure (like the woman is 39 weeks pregnant) if you ask. Grr! I'm mad for you! Best of luck to you and your fitness journey! Heading over to read your post at HMB now!

  3. ok ok I laughed but #5 is is totally the rule that you don't mention a pregnancy until it is UNdeniable, and even then maybe just avoid it. You handled it well though!



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