My weekend actually started on Friday. I stayed home from work with Jack who was not feeling well. He had a terrible few nights which is not like him and was up all night on Thursday just screaming. I took him to the doctor Friday afternoon and because he didn't have a fever or major symptoms like a red throat or ear infection, they deemed it allergy related.
We did lots of snuggles, TV watching and just trying to keep Jack comfortable. For someone who looked so tired, he would not nap. The allergy medicine that his doctor recommended that night did the trick and he slept the entire night!
Saturday we were supposed to attend a birthday party at the Butterfly Museum at Houston's Museum of Natural Science. I was so looking forward to taking Jack here and seeing friends, but he was still feeling bad along with Jason so I knew we needed to stay home. I ran some errands and did normal chores before getting ready for a fundraiser dinner we had that evening.
Jason's sister watched Jack while we attended Jack's preschool's first ever fundraiser. Jack won't start school until the fall, but we are so happy to already be involved and get to know his teachers.
The dinner was so fun because they had a live dessert auction after dinner where each table bids on the dessert they want to enjoy that evening. Our table bid on a carrot cake made by our church's best cook. We ended up with the winning bid of $700! Good thing it was delicious {and for a great cause]!
I planned on taking Jack to the later church service Sunday morning while Jason did homework, however he seemed worse when he woke up. I didn't want to risk exposing the other kids in the nursery to whatever was going on so we stayed home.
Poor guy started running a fever of 101 later in the day so it was another quiet day at home. These make for longs days for mama so I was thrilled when I got out of the house for an hour to hit up the grocery store...such an exciting day!
We kept Jack's fever under control with Children's Acetaminophen throughout the day and put him to bed at his normal time. While Jason and I were winding it down and watching Friends reruns in bed we noticed how restless Jack was in his crib. He wasn't crying, but just couldn't get comfortable. We both went up to check on him around 9:30 and he was on fire. It was so scary how hot he was and seemingly out of it. His temperature peaked at 104 and we didn't hesitate to call his pediatrician who I knew was on call.
We were seconds from going to the hospital, but after her advice of increasing his acetaminophen and alternating that with Children's Motrin, we were able to get his fever way down and back to bed. He started becoming more alert which made me feel better. We didn't get much sleep that night getting up to check on him. His fever didn't return until the next morning, but even then wasn't crazy high.
Back to the doctor for the Purifoys on this Monday! Our insurance company must love us right now. We had to divide and conquer. I took Jack back to his pediatrician first thing on Monday while Jason went to his doctor. Luckily my mom met us at Jack's appointment which was a big help when it came time to hold him down to swab his throat...awful!
Jack tested positive for Strep and Jason was also given a prescription.
I had my doctor's appointment that afternoon for another ultrasound and lots and lots of labwork. I loved getting to see Coffee Bean again. After only week he/she seemed so much bigger and was moving like crazy. I even got a few waves. What a crazy four days!
Now I'm playing crazy catchup after being out of it focusing on the sickies. And let's just hope I stay well!
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Oh my goodness! What a weekend! I hope this next one has a lot of rest on the agenda for your sake!
ReplyDeleteUgh, hope the boys start feeling better soon! And hope you don't catch it! LOVE seeing that little coffee bean, so precious!