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Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Great Wedding Band Debate - Followup

My goodness I could not make a decision about what to do about a wedding band. Go custom, nothing at all, regular band for when I don't wear my e-ring. I finally decided to do the custom route and I couldn't be more happy! It turned out great.

I really had no idea what the ring would look like other than it would wrap around my ring and have diamonds. I suspected it would look something like this:
And the end result...

What do you think?
Photos by Kelly Niemann


  1. So pretty! I'm thinking a second band for the other side on your one year anniversary! :)

  2. pretty :) the fourth photo is my favorite.

  3. Stephanie- I second that! Great idea...Jason thinks so too. Thanks Honey My Heart! That one is my fave too.



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