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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October Scares

If you read the blog regularly, you know that Jason and I LOVE horror movies.  And every kind...gory, slashers, paranormal, zombies, vampires, science fiction...we are equal opportunity horror movie lovers.  Needless to say, we love this time of year, when everyone is gearing up for Halloween, haunted houses, and LOTS of scary movies on TV and in the theatres. 

We are dying to see Sinister with Ethan Hawke on Friday when it opens. 

Last Friday, we were browsing the horror movies on Uverse and Netflix and couldn't find anything that we hadn't already seen so I suggested we start the AMC cable show The Walking Dead from Season 1. 

For whatever reason, Jason wasn't that jazzed about it, but humored me (yes I played the pregnancy card).  By the end of the very first episode he said "this is the best show ever!!!!"

The show is about a group of people trying to survive after a zombie Apocalypse.  They throw in many different types of people who are forced to form a family in order to survive and fight off the "walkers" or zombies.  Besides the horror aspect there is humor, action, romance, scandal...a little something for everyone!

We ended up watching about 4 hour-long episodes that night, probably 4 on Saturday and a handful on Sunday.  Today, we are already in the middle of the second season with just a few more episodes until we are totally caught up. 

Just in time, because Season 3 premiers Sunday, October 14 on AMC.  If you love the Walking Dead, you must also checkout American Horror Story which kicks off Season 2 on October 17 on FX. 

Another recommendation is for The Possession which should still be in most theatres now.  This movie is an exorcism type movie, but with a Jewish twist.  J and I both liked it.  Plus it has Geoffrey Dean Morgan in it whom I love...Denny from old school Grey's Anatomy. 


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Walking Dead. My husband (who is not a comic book guy) bought the graphic novel and loves it too. Reading in that style wasn't for me, though, so I didn't make it very far.

    Kind of undecided on AHS... I watched the first season and it intrigued me, but it was always the last thing on the DVR I voted to watch. Since I feel like I "get" what Ryan Murphy does and this season looks especially twisted I am looking forward to it more than I thought!



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