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Monday, July 20, 2015

Menu Monday :: What We're Eating This Week

Happy Monday!  I'm beat from the weekend sadly.  Between my neighborhood closet sale which was a big success to just getting ready for the week, I'm sitting here asking myself when my weekend will arrive?  I never got that pedicure I wanted to do yesterday so I may try and do it after work just so I have a little ME time.  I guess that's the life of a mom.  

This week is NOT a great example of what we're eating.  Not a lot of great recipes to link to and I almost didn't post, however I wanted to show that not every week is made up of delicious, healthy, home-cooked least not in our house.  You may think this is terrible, but if that's the case, we can't be friends.  Some weeks you are just in survival mode!

Sunday :: Hamburgers and Salad 

This isn't an exciting meal, but it was perfect for last night since we were hanging out by the pool.   Jack ate his with a side of Mac & Cheese and avocado and Jason and I opted for a salad since we'd eaten pretty bad the entire weekend. 

Monday :: Slow Cooker BBQ Spareribs {Slow Cooker Meal}, Mashed Potatoes & Salad

This freezer meal did not get made last week due to Jason's crazy work schedule.  He was hosting a huge group of event planners, promoting the city and was out past 2am three nights in a row!  Jack and I did smaller meals since it was just the two of us like "breakfast for dinner" one night and grilled cheese sandwiches. 

Tuesday :: Hamburger Mac

Don't judge, but as a working mom sometimes we need a quick meal idea that Jack is guaranteed to eat.  Ours may or not be coming from a box labeled "Hamburger Helper."  This is a late night for Jason so I take the easy route when I'm on my own! 

Wednesday :: Cilantro Lime Chicken {Slow Cooker Meal}

This recipe is one of my favorites.  It's easy to prep, easy to serve and everyone likes it!  I serve with fresh corn tortillas.  Great leftovers on this one too! 

Thursday :: Lasagna

Again, no judgment!  This will be coming from kitchen de Stouffer's for same reason as Tuesday. 

Friday :: Pickup

By Friday I will be done or we may just eat leftovers.  We'll see how the week goes!

Underwhelmed by this post?  I'll try to do better in the coming weeks!  
Hope you have a wonderful week!


Linking up today with Colleen of Meet the Sullivans!


  1. I have never made spare ribs in slow cooker and I'm sure we're totally missing out! And the cilantro chicken slow cooker meal sounds fantastic and simple (my two favorite things!)! I'm going to bookmark both! Thanks you linking up!!

  2. The slow cooker ribs sound ah-mazing! Plus I love any dish I can throw in there and just be done with. We sneak in hamburger helper every now and again too - it's tasty and easy :)

  3. Thanks for keeping it real! Every night isn't exactly healthy and from scratch around here, either, and I stay at home!

  4. Kids are with grandma this week so it's been takeout, restaurants or cereal every night since last Friday for us. Eek!

  5. The chicken recipe looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing. XO -Anna



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