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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Pregnancy #2 Update :: 21 Weeks

21 Weeks taken at The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO

How far along: 21 weeks
Size of Coffee Bean {Still nameless despite my best efforts}:  7 inches,  11 ounces (according to What to Expect App)
Fruit/vegetable comparison: Banana
Gender:  Another Baby Boy!
Showing: Oh yes!
Maternity clothes:  100% Maternity pants and 80/20 in tops and dresses  

Unglamorous body changes:  Unfortunately I have a ton of stretch marks this time around.  I've just given in to the fact that I can't do anything about it and will be a one-piece wearing momma from here on out.  Maybe next summer I will treat myself to a cute Mara Hoffman or Trina Turk one piece that I'm lusting over right now! 
Sleep:  Okay - I caught a head cold so I'm having trouble breathing, but my new Bump Nest Pregnancy Pillow has really made a difference with my rest and back pain!
Movement:  Much stronger kicks started this week!!!  I'm so excited to be able to really feel him throughout the day.  It is so different from my first pregnancy where Jack would kick me in my ribs all day.  This little guy is currently breach so the kicks are super low.  
Food cravings: Black tea lemonade from Starbucks, ice water, ice cream...basically anything cold!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Flying and being in the car too long
Wedding rings on or off: Engagement ring is on, but my stack of other two rings is too tight when worn together.  
Mood: Emotional as heck.  Let's just say I've never been an emotional flyer, but this trip I cried before we boarded, during takeoff and almost cancelled the whole thing.  Granted we were on a small plane rather than the usual commercial plane, but come on.  Pull it together Chelsea!

Best moment this week:  Being in Estes Park, Colorado!  Even though it was exhausting at times with Jack's schedule and sleeping habits being out of whack, we had the best time.  I loved being outside, getting a lot of walking in and spending tons of time with my family.
Strange experiences: Just the really low kicks from little man

Milestones: Traveling {especially flying} while pregnant with a toddler has to be some kind of milestone I think!

Looking forward to: Celebrating the 4th of July on the water!

Read about my 21 week update from my first pregnancy HERE

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