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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Too Good Not To Share

I'm starting a new blog series called Too Good Not To Share.  It's just a simple round-up of blog posts and articles from the week that are just too good not to share with you.  Hopefully this will help you find some new blogs to love or give you inspiration in your life.

And if you're thinking..."really Chelsea, a blog posts linking other blog posts.  Kinda lazy huh?"  Yes - it might be, but I genuinely love sharing content from my favorite bloggers that inspire me.  If I don't have the time to write an amazing post each day, this is the next best thing.  I hope you enjoy!

Annie from Home of Malones ::  My First Diet Bet
Kristy from Seven Graces :: Tips for Hosting a Simple Birthday Party
Megan from Meg O. On the Go :: Natural Eyebrow Tutorial
 Tawnya from All of Life's Little Adventures :: Bouncing Back
 Huffington Post :: Having It All Kinda Sucks

Have you read a post this week that is too good not to share?  Link it below in the comments! 


  1. Thank you for sharing my post!! :) XO

  2. I love this idea Chelsea! I always enjoy it when people share some of their favorite reads or do "link love" posts! Thanks so much for including me too :) xoxo

  3. Love it, Chelsea! Thanks so much for including me this week. :)

    P.S. Will you be going to Thrive next week?

  4. You are so sweet to share my eyebrow tutorial! Cannot wait to see you this weekend!!!



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