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Monday, February 1, 2016

Weekend Recap

It's back to work today and gosh I am tired, but it was a gorgeous weekend in Houston and we got lots of family time in so I'm a happy girl.

On Saturday Jason was craving donuts so the day already started out great!  Around lunchtime we headed to Sugar Land Town Square to let Jack burn some energy at the fountains and outdoor area.  It was such a gorgeous day. 

Colin was asleep so we decided to brave a restaurant!  Escalante's for the win!  I hadn't been since before having Colin and we had the best meal - guac and enchiladas for this girl!  Even better is that Colin cooperated and slept the entire time so we could all enjoy it. Jack was giddy to be eating chips and guac with a bottomless lemonade!

We were lazy the rest of the day.  Jack helped me take 3 month pictures of Colin and Colin and I snuck in a Target run. 

Saturday night after dinner Jack and I made heart cookies for Valentine's Day.  I love doing special things with just the two of us when we can.  I think he does too because he wouldn't stop talking about it the rest of the weekend! 

On Sunday we were lazy one more day - Jason wasn't feeling great all weekend so I wanted him to rest up as much as possible.  We just can't have a man down right now!

I was shocked when getting Colin dressed for the day that he has outgrown all of his 3 month clothing and fits better into Jack's old 6 and 9 month clothes!  I specifically remember Jack wearing this when he was almost 7 months.

We did another lunch out at Beck's so Jack could run around and feed the ducks.  He was thrilled because we spotted a baby turtle on our walk.  Mimi and Papi joined us too!

I ran to the grocery store in the afternoon and made supper for us in the evening.  Boring lives yes, but it was just what we needed after a week going back to work. 

I hope your week is off to a great start!

1 comment:

  1. Looks so fun! :) We spent a lot of time outside, too. It is so nice when we have one of those weekends where they can burn off all that energy outside.



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