How far along: 25 weeks
Size of Baby P: 13.62 inches, 1.46 pounds (according to Pregnancy App)
Fruit/vegetable comparison: Papaya (for weeks 25-28)...I've never bought a papaya before!
Gender: Boy
Showing: Yes
Maternity clothes: Yes
Unglamorous body changes: Nothing too crazy fortunately, although I will say that I am not one of the lucky ones who only gets bigger in the belly. My hips and butt seem to be growing too with the belly...I'm now hitting the gym every week night and walking a lot on the weekends to cope.
Sleep: Good
Movement: Jack has been a dancing fool this week! Especially after a meal, drinking ice water and lying down at night. Biggest kick I've felt so far came Saturday, 2/2 while watching Dexter.
Food cravings: I had a mad craving for a cupcake this week and yes I indulged, with only one...but I made it velvet from Crave
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Wedding rings on or off: On
Mood: Up and down
Best moment this week: I had a great doctor's appointment on Friday. For some reason I was really scared about doing the glucose test. Everyone says the stuff you have to drink is very gross, however it wasn't bad at all, in fact I kind of liked it! Don't have the results of that yet, but Jack and me are both doing great according to my doctor. I just love hearing his heart beat.
Best moment this week: I had a great doctor's appointment on Friday. For some reason I was really scared about doing the glucose test. Everyone says the stuff you have to drink is very gross, however it wasn't bad at all, in fact I kind of liked it! Don't have the results of that yet, but Jack and me are both doing great according to my doctor. I just love hearing his heart beat.
Strange experiences: Being constantly surprised at how mean (or stupid) people can be to pregnant women. Was told this week that I looked like I am due in March, not May. I already sensitive to this so I didn't take it well. I'm also so sick of being treated like I'm this fragile being. This happens mainly at work where I hate being treated differently (I already get enough of that being a woman in a male dominated industry/company). I try not to talk about the pregnancy, complain or act differently. I hope all women can remember this in the workplace as to not give the rest of us a bad wrap.
Milestones: Baby's primitive memory is beginning to develop, which means that music and voices will be leaving an impression in your little one's brain.
Looking forward to: Getting the house more organized for baby! I feel like now is the time to set everything up as best I can to make room for baby so Jason and I (and my mom) have lots of projects planned between now and May. I'm trying to get as much done NOW before I am miserable. On the to-do list:
- Create a home office so I can still be productive on maternity leave
- Clean out & organize garage
- Finish Nursery
- Clean out kitchen & pantry to make room for baby stuff
- Create a home office so I can still be productive on maternity leave
- Clean out & organize garage
- Finish Nursery
- Clean out kitchen & pantry to make room for baby stuff
Thoughts: Jason and I are just so excited to meet our baby boy. I spend countless hours thinking about what he will look like and what his personality will be. I have an incredibly busy spring coming up (the next 2 weeks are the calm before the storm), but I'm trying to make sure to take enough time to be selfish too and enjoy this special time and to remember what is really important.
You look great!
ReplyDeleteI literally argued with a coworker for 2 minutes in a meeting because I came in late and was standing and he insisted I sit down arguing that I was two people. After five times of him shooting down my response that I was okay, I didn't want to make a scene and just took the dang seat. So awkward! You look fabulous and I'm glad you are feeling great!!!