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Friday, February 8, 2013

What a Week...In Pictures

This felt like an extra crazy week.  Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones or just a crazy week at work, but I'm super exhausted on this Friday night.  Even though it was hectic, the week was filled with so many great things! 

First Bluum Box arrived in the mail (review post coming soon)

Mimi (my mom) went on a shopping spree for Baby Jack...he's spoiled already (and going to be stylin')

I purchased this cute Boppy cover at PB Kids...since it was on sale I bought one for Baby Jack and one for his best friend, Baby Junebug

Tucker felt exhausted too, fast asleep on my his Boppy pregnancy pillow

Baby Jack received his first Valentine (and first piece of mail) from Olive

Jack's Baby Book was delivered!  Reveal post coming next week

Furniture was delivered for our home office.  Checking things off the maternity to-do list feels so good (it's clearly not finished, but off to a great start)

I received this cute picture text from Ashley which totally made my day!  Looks like Tucker...

Last random thing of the week.  While at a meeting for work today, the person my company was meeting with brought out their pet parakeet who told me I had pretty hair (yes the bird told me that) and then jumped across the table straight for me.  After learning he was a biter, I politely asked if the bird could be moved since I was pregnant.  The bird then mimicked my nervous laugh quite well before being taken away.  What a day!

1 comment:

  1. I love my Ruby Love baby book! And so will you, yay!




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