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Friday, October 4, 2013

Five on Friday


I finally decorated for fall and Halloween. We aren't done yet, but I feel happy.


Jason and I are going to the Fort Bend County Fair tonight with some friends from church to see one of the concerts.  Hopefully I'll eat some yummy fair food too.  I've never been so I have no idea what to expect, but I am busting out my cowboy boots for the occasion. 

Confession: this is our first night out since having Jack 5 months ago!


I had some child proofing consultants come to our death trap house yesterday for a walk-through. Holy cow there is a lot that we need to do in order to get our house ready for a mobile kiddo.  I can't wait to see how much it's all going to cost.  Gates, latches and locks, oh my!

When did you childproof your home?  What part was the biggest headache?


Hi, my name is Chelsea and I'm addicted to Halloween PJ's for my 5 month old.  I have a problem.  We better have another boy one day so I will get another use out of these.  I ran into Old Navy yesterday to look for this dress to wear to the County Fair tonight.  Couldn't find the dress (what will I wear???), but I left with more PJ's for Jack!   Lord help me at Christmas time. 


Tomorrow is the big day that I'm getting my haircut!  I know you are so sick of hearing me talk about this: here and here.  Just do it already is what you are probably thinking.  I'm still going back and forth on whether or not to do a big cut.  I love short hair and I love me in short hair.  My only real hesitation is Jason.  Check back Monday to see what I decide...or watch Instagram this weekend too! 

Do you keep your hair a certain way for your husband despite your own desires?


  1. I love your Halloween decorations! So cute!

  2. I haven't been to the fair in forever! I'm sure it's much bigger now.You will probably see everything from teenagers looking like they're going to the club to super casual. Just be comfy and cool and have a good baby-free night!

  3. your fall decor is amazing!!!! i think i'm starry eyed over it! LOVE!!!!!


  4. Love your halloween decorations! And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one obsessed with holiday pjs!

  5. Your Halloween decorations are SO cute! Will you come decorate my place?? :)

  6. Love your fall decor!!

    And we really didn't start babyproofing until she was mobile. We started with just plug covers throughout the house. Then, once she could really move, we put latches only on the cabinets that may have chemicals in them and baby gates on select doors. But to be honest, the gates are more for the dogs than for the child! haha

  7. My hubs made the comment to me that I had been wearing my hair curly too much since I got pregnant and wished I would flat iron it. He almost got punched. So I spent my Saturday morning blowing out my hair and flat ironing and he actually commented that I had done something. I thought it would be easier having longer hair for a while for a pony tail....maybe I'll go back to short sooner than later!

    Good Luck - can't wait to see the new do!

  8. I love your decorations! I'm trying to decorate with pumpkins, too, so you've given me inspiration!



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