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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wedding Diet Update

I know I haven't posted much on the wedding diet progress, but things are really going great! I got off to a slow start, but have been doing much better now that I am feeling the pressure!!! I am still on Jenny Craig, but what has made the most difference is my workouts.

My size 8 clothes are definitely getting looser and I can now where some of my size 6 jeans. The best indicator of my weight loss came last week when I was able to try on my wedding dress for the first time!!! It looked amazing and MUCH better than the first time I had it on. You could really see a difference in my stomach and sides. I even received a few comments last week about how my face looks thinner!!!

My plan for the next week is to start getting my arms toned up and to keep losing that weight! My first dress fitting is not until the end of April.

Beginning weight: 146
Current weight: 134.5

1 comment:

  1. good for you! that's such an accomplishment! i reeeeeally need some motivation, and you're helping! :)



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