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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Three Years Ago Today...

...Jason and I tied the knot!  Happy 3 years of marriage to my love who puts up with me everyday.  I'm not one to BS and say that everyday is perfect, because it's not, but man we have a great life and are so incredibly blessed to have found each other.  I love Jason for so many reasons, but a few reasons besides his hair, include his sense of humor and ability to be positive and enjoy life. He is smart, hard working and loyal.  He is the best partner I could have.  Three years has truly flown by and I'm excited to see what this one brings. 

Here is a few of my favorite pics from this past year. 

1 comment:

  1. I love you BOTH! Also love all the pics....except the last one....Jason, how could you let her post it????
    Love, Mom



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