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Friday, January 9, 2015

Five on Friday :: Live From Bed

Happy Friday everyone!  I'm reporting to you sick in bed, but wanted to check in and say hello so let's get to it!


After battling a pesky cold since Christmas I finally went to the doctor yesterday {Don't get mad at me for being stubborn...I kept getting better and fighting it, but this week it took a turn for the worse}.  The doctor seemed concerned at how bad I was wheezing and made me do a breathing treatment in the office before I left.  She made me promise to take it easy until Monday and gave me an antibiotic and a inhaler.  Fun times!

I'm happy to report Jack is doing much better and Jason is hanging in there with a cold.  


I love how many people are coming up with a word or mantra for the year rather than a lot of grandiose resolutions. I've been thinking this week about what mine should be and I have come up with one!

Image via
Be Still. This is such a good reminder for me as I'm constantly over-scheduling, saying yes to everything and over-committing. It's good to just be. This can be applied to so many things in my life.

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.


This week I've been glued to Shay's blog and Instagram feed.  If you aren't familiar, blogger Shay has been beautifully sharing her family's journey of adopting a 2 year precious baby from China.  She has blogged every day from China about their incredible journey.  I just love seeing the pictures of sweet Ashby.  Every time a new picture is added, my heart actually skips a beat.  Follow her blog here and Instagram @mixandmatchmama

I don't know Shay personally, but I am so proud of her for being so open and transparent.  I know this will encourage others to adopt children that need homes - both locally and internationally.  My mom and I have said forever that we would love to adopt an unwanted Chinese girl at some point.  Now we just need to get Jason on board :)


I missed the Bachelor premiere on Monday. I honestly wasn't going to watch this season - opting for Vanderpump Rules on Bravo, but after reading all of the recaps I want to watch it!

I did watch Parenthood last night. It's so bittersweet since there are only a few episodes left EVER. What will I do without the Bravermans???

I'm also looking forward to the premiere of Girls and the Golden Globes - both this Sunday!


And for a little fun sparkle on your Friday, I'm obsessed with these Kate Spade Glitter Studs.  At only $38, they are such a great buy.  I bought these for my bestie for Christmas this year and she loves them too.  The only problem is that they have been long sold-out.  Nordstrom occasionally has a pair or two onsale online {usually the gold or silver version} probably from a return, but the multi color is almost impossible to find.

I've been stalking the auctions on Ebay, but refuse to pay $100 for them which is what most auctions have ended in.  If anyone sees them, let me know!

Have a great weekend!

Linking up:



  1. Sorry that you are still sick...I know you are so ready to get over it! Second...I too follow Shay's blog/IG sweet to see her pics....and you have to find the Bachelor premier somewhere...too good to miss!! And all the recaps are hilarious...including this one that my hubby sent me, because he loves to make fun of me and the show!!

    1. Thanks for the link! I'm hoping to watch it in bed tonight...crazy Friday I know! Hope you have a great weekend and stay warm!!!

  2. I hate that you're still sick! :( I love Shay! Ashby is such a perfect addition to her sweet family! And girl, those Kate Spade earrings are SIMPLY AMAZING!!!! I'm sending the link to them to my husband for Valentine's Day for sure! Feel better and have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! I totally agree that Ashby just fits right into their family. Those earrings would be a perfect VDay gift! Have a great weekend!!!

  3. Hope you feel better soon, friend!! Ummm k, I'm going to need you to watch the Bachelor ok? I can't be alone in the crazy. Matt's even into it. There are several nut jobs on there but some cute, sweet girls too. I love the farmer. Matt knows this. It's cool. :) xo



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