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Monday, August 31, 2015

Pregnancy #2 Update :: 30 Weeks

Top / Pants

How far along: 30 weeks
Size of Coffee Bean: 3 pounds and measuring about 15 3/4 inches
Fruit/vegetable comparison:  Large cabbage {According to Baby Center}

Gender:  Another Baby Boy!
Showing: YES

Maternity clothes:  Just about everything I wear is maternity these days.  I even had to run out to Motherhood Maternity last week with my mom to grab a few new pieces to get me through the next two months.  My mom is the best shopping partner ever and we were able to find a few things that I can wear to work/weekend/maternity pics...exactly what I needed! 

We also ran to DSW to buy a few pairs of flats since all of my shoes are too small for me now - and I'm pretty much done with heels. Why oh why must your feet get larger too?  I'm normally a size 8.  Last pregnancy, 8.5 felt better, but this time around I ended up buying 9's in all the flats.  Maybe this is due to the heat too, but a whole size seems significant.  My feet as so much happier now though!   My feet were super swollen post-partum last time too so I'm hoping these will all work great during that awkward recovery time when nothing fits right!
Unglamorous body changes: Belly button is starting to poke out a bit which it never did during my last pregnancy.  
Sleep:  Okay
Movement: TONS!
Food cravings: Started craving orange juice this week randomly.  
Anything making you queasy or sick:  No
Wedding rings on or off: Engagement ring is on, but my stack of other two rings is too tight when worn together.  
Mood: Pretty good
Best moment this week:  Jack starting school was the highlight.  I love that he loves it.  
Strange experiences:  None that I can think of

Milestones: We officially set the c-section date.  I will be 39 weeks crazy we are just 9 weeks out.  Seems so fast some days and so far away others.
Looking forward to: Ultrasound this Thursday to see little man!

Read about my 29 and 30 Week update from my first pregnancy!


  1. Whoop! Moving right along Mama! That is a cute outfit! Glad you are feeling good!

  2. Oh I haven't been able to get enough OJ lately either! YUM! You look great mama! :)

  3. You look so adorable!!!

  4. I can't believe you are 30 weeks!! Where did the time go?! You are looking as gorgeous as ever!!!



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