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Monday, August 3, 2015

Weekend Recap :: Corsicana and Arlington Road Trip

I've been horrible at posting my weekend recaps lately (really just blogging in general).  Sometimes they just seem too boring to take the time and knock out, but I do love having our precious weekends documented so I'm going to try and do a better job at this.   We had a busy weekend for sure visiting all of my in-laws so now seems like the perfect time to get back on this routine!


Jason and I both took Friday off from work (even though I was already out all week without childcare).  We were set to hit the road early, but a crisis at work for Jason caused us to leave later than we had hoped.

We finally hit the road with Jack and Tucker in tow...and lots of snacks and distractions like a new toy for Jack and the iPad.  It's about 3.5 hours in the car to our first stop but between the three days we were going to have a lot of car time.  One can never be too prepared.  All of the packing and preparation, made me really stop and think about what it will be like when there are TWO kiddos to pack for.  #needabiggercar

Jack did great!  We just had to stop once for lunch (which in hindsight I would not have taken our dog Tucker) since our only lunch option was to drive-thru and eat in the car.  I would have prefered to let Jack get out and run around (in air conditioning) for a bit, but live and learn.  #nexttimelistentoyourwifeJason

Friday afternoon and evening we hung out in Corsicana (Jason's hometown) at his mom's house.  All of the family including Jack's cousin Landon came over for dinner and Jack loved all the play time!

We were all geezers and in bed before 10pm!


Saturday morning we were up and at 'em early to visit Jason's grandmother at her nursing home.  We had a great visit with her and Jack had a blast.  Her home has a huge fish pond and birds so he was in little boy heaven.

After a mandatory stop at Jason's favorite Corsicana fast food place Taco Shop, we headed north for Arlington to Jason's dad's house to visit with the other side of the family.  Since his parents are divorced, visiting the in-laws means two separate stops, cities and families...I can't complain since that is how my side of the family is too.  #fourchristmases

His dad grilled hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill and Jack was able to play with his other cousin Cohen.  We had a great visit with family and then spent the night in Arlington. 

I'm so, so thankful that Jack is able to sleep anywhere.  Sleeping in two different places in two nights can be hard for anyone.  My trick to making this as easy for him as possible is to try to stick to his bath & bedtime routine and also bring his little comforts from home that are easy to pack like his Twilight Turtle, Sound Machine, favorite stuffed animal, blankie and bedtime books.  It's worth all the packing when he sleeps his normal hours of 8pm-7am. 


We were up early again on Sunday to make the {slow} trek back to Houston.  We had to make one stop in Corsicana to pickup Tucker at Jason's mom's house and say goodbye to everyone...and some cherry ice box cookies for me from Collin Street Bakery before heading to Houston.  Jason got Taco Shop one more time on our way out...diets for everyone this week!

Jack did great again on our way home.  We ended up stopping several times for my pregnant bladder and to let Jack get some fresh air including this cute donut wall I've been dying to stop at!  

Me and Colin at 26 Weeks!

We made it back to Houston around five in just enough time to unpack and pickup the house for the week before worrying about dinner.  Once Jack was asleep Jason and I were pooped but still managed to catch Bachelor in Paradise...he's such a good husband for humoring me with these silly shows!  He stuck through the entire Bachelorette season with me!

I hope you had a great weekend too and a have a great week.  

Is anyone else secretly happy that the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is now over so you don't feel so tempted to buy items your wallet doesn't' really need you to?  Just me...Bueller? 
Next weekend we are HOME and making Jack's big switch to a new room!


  1. What a great weekend! We're the same way, it take 4 stops to see all of our families!

    I'm so impressed that Jason will watch Bachelor Pad. Sean can make it through the Bachelor/Bachelorette but I think there's a little too much drama in Bachelor Pad! haha I've been enjoying it though!!

    1. I'm ashamed to admit that I'm loving all the drama on Bachelor in Paradise! What does that say about me? Oh well, it brightens up my Sunday and Monday nights at least!

  2. Taco Shop! Do y'all have Taco Casa (a chain) down in Houston? It tastes exactly like Taco Shop, down to the exact same ice. I don't understand, but I don't ask questions because there is one not far from my house.

    Any road trip with children is exhausting, pregnant or not. Way to go, Mom!

    1. Haha! I did not know that about Taco Casa, but sadly we don't have those in Houston either. Or at least one that I've seen...probably a good thing though for our waistlines. It's a little Corsicana treat for us. Hope you are having a good week!



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