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Friday, November 28, 2014

Five on {Black} Friday :: Thanksgiving, Starbucks and on to Christmas

Happy Friday & Day After Thanksgiving!  Were you in a food coma yesterday like I was?  I'm at work today trying to avoid all of the Black Friday crazies.  I'm just not sure how getting out in the chaos is even worth it especially with all of the great Cyber Monday and ongoing online deals to be found. 


As I said on Wednesday, Jack tested positive for the flu so we sadly stayed home yesterday.  I was really sad to miss hanging out with all of my family at my mom's, but I strongly believe in not infecting others for selfish reasons.  On the bright side, my mom lives just miles from me so I ran over to her house before lunchtime to drop off my Thanksgiving feast contributions and she let me dig into everything before it was even served and take a MAJOR to-go plate. 

I setup our dining room at home and even busted out the fine china.  The three of us had a perfect meal of turkey and all of the traditional fix-ins!  Lord, we did NOT starve.  Jack even perked up at lunchtime and enjoyed lots of turkey and Mac & Cheese. 

The rest of the day we just hung out at home, went for a stroll through the neighborhood and watched a lot of Mickey and Dora.  At least while Jack is sick, he hasn't lost his sense of humor!


What are you doing this weekend?  We plan to stick close to home and work on getting Jack fully recovered.  Luckily we don't have any major plans.  I will finally allow the Fall decor to be packed up and Christmas to come out!  We took some small steps yesterday and pulled all of the Christmas from the attic!


Jason and I plan to forgo Christmas gifts to each this year in lieu of a little parents-only getaway to Frederisksburg in early 2015.  We love Fredericksburg and I feel like it's the perfect two-night getaway for couples...a little wine, relaxation & good food.  We have never left Jack overnight even once so this will be huge for us!  We've stayed at several B&B's there before, but would love to try something new.  Any recommendations? 

Luckenbach, TX
2008 - 2011


I intended to post a Stocking Stuffer idea list earlier this week {and still may}, but these Starbucks mugs are just too cute not to mention today.  The Starbucks Dot Collection includes over 100 designs, all under $20 making it a great Stocking Stuffer, Gift Swap or girlfriend gift.  And to sweeten the gift, you could always add a little giftcard inside.  Just love these!


...And if you are looking for the ultimate Starbucks-Fan gift you can try and nab a sold-out online Sterling Silver Starbucks Card keychain that comes pre-loaded with $50! 

And I thought I was a fan with my Starbucks Cup Ornament and Gold Card...this is next level!

Hope you have a great weekend!


Linking up:



  1. I got the e-mail about the Starbucks key chain as well! I do think it's pretty adorable looking, but I'm not quite sure it's worth $200... although I guess with the money on it you're paying $150 for the charm itself? But still... if someone decided to gift it to me I'm pretty sure I wouldn't say no!

  2. Hope Mr. Jack is feeling better, and glad y'all had a great Thanksgiving after all! A little getaway sounds delightful. Maybe someday I won't be breastfeeding and can do just that, ha!

  3. Hi! I don't think I've commented before but I've been reading foreeeever. I'm also a Houston girl and friend with Darcy Stingerie - we worked together. Anyway, we stayed at a Spring Creek cabin last year and LOVED it!!! We just recently got away to Wimberley (if you're open) and stayed here and it was also really fabulous: Love your blog!



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